matthew 5:29-30
matthew 10:2
And why does james 3:6 talk about your tongue being set on fire in hell?Christians often say that the body dies and only the soul goes to heaven, if that is true why does jesus?
I guess because the soul-body thing dosen't apply in Hell. God gives you a body to make it extra painful and give him an extra big b.oner.Christians often say that the body dies and only the soul goes to heaven, if that is true why does jesus?
He is speaking it is better to lose part of you physical body than letting your hole spiritual be thrown into hell, because
the only that goes beyond death is your spiritual body.
god loves you......God bless
Our earthly body does die but our spirit lives on. The day of Resurrection we get a new body as Jesus did. In Matt.10:28 Jesus talks of not fearing those that can kill the body but not the soul .but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both body and soul in hell. I believe in James it talks about how the tongue can either curse or bless. By repenting it can lead you to heaven, by cursing God it can lead you to hell.
We will have bodies. Just as Jesus did. After His resurrection, He had a glorified body, not like our earthly bodies.
I'm not sure of the timing of this. The bible says that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord (spiritually). I am not sure when the believer will get their glorified, new body. Maybe someone else can tell you.
Esther is right. Unfortunately, most Christians have some Platonic view of soul instead of the Biblical one. So they are actually closer to the gnosticism that Paul warned about than they realize.
Jesus was talking to an age where the dead bury the dead, and so used sayings appropriate for that time.
If He believed in hell, then He would have had another god, and He would noy have been able to heal or teach, and the cross would have been a failure to glorify God and show humans His power and love over all.
:...';the soul goes to heaven, if that is true'; - it isn't. God is Soul and infinite.
Jesus was warning us that through false senses entertained we can be tempted and fall, so it is better (figuratively) to lose, or to cut off or pluck out, a sense of the body which is offensive, which is inclined to sin. He knew that cutting up the body would not cure the love of sin, but he was speaking to an age that could not understand His higher meaning.
In James the teaching is that as the heart is defiled, the tongue is its public mouthpiece to bear witness of its grossness. Left unchecked, the tongue will deliver the whole body to hell. This is a figurative scenario. It is a teaching and warning of the dangers of a foul mouth, which is the heart of the man.
Remember, the bible is speaking to an age and ';substance'; that was never created by God, so you must read between the lines to find the spiritual significance of the passage.
Jesus the Christ spoke of many things that 'will happen after His Second Coming'.
The resurrected body is more than the bodies we have now...... at the end of age we will ALL get new bodies, as Jesus did...... these bodies will be made for heaven or hell, which ever place each of us ends up in....... the body Jesus speaks of is NOT the same as the one we each have now.... these bodies or corruptible the new ones will be incorruptible......... go in peace..... God bless
Ez. 18:4: ';The soul that is sinning, it itself will die.'; The soul is not immortal. When you die, everything dies.
Ps. 146:3, 4: ';Do not put your trust in nobles,
nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs. His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground;
In that day his thoughts do perish.';
when we die we will all receive new bodies, incorruptable ones(becuase God will destroy death in the end) and depending on whether you believed and confessed that Jesus is the son of God/Lord, (Romans 10:9) that he died for your sins and by the blood that he shed on the cross we are saved from damnation will determine where u will end up with those bodies. (all it takes is belief and a confession)
1 Corinthians 15:51-54. Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
as for James 3:6 it is talking about how our tongues and how we should control them because evil things come out of the mouth. basically the tongue is what makes a person evil (the stuff that comes out of the mouth) cursing people, pride, making fun of people etc. almost every evil thing in the world starts of with the tongue: wars, violence, envy, death. basically we need to be able to control our tongue because it is indeed an evil thing.
James 3:6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
God Bless
Gehenna was the garbage dump around Jerusalem. It is symbolic of everlasting destruction with no memorial with fires, worms and maggots taking the toll on the bodies of dead criminals that were thrown there.
The short answer: Jesus, as he often does, is making an eschatological reference to the Final Judgment where that will indeed happen. (See Revelation 20.)
The long answer: Matthew 5:29-30 is spoken in a hypothetical situation. No one actually gouges out their eyes or cuts off their hands. It's a hyperbolic way of talking about taking sin seriously. It is like Proverbs 23:1-2. Jesus' language of ';it is better'; is taken directly from the Proverbs. His Matthew 5 statement is also like the one in Matthew 18:6, ';it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.'; This isn't ACTUALLY going to happen nor is Jesus advocating anyone do this, but it's spoken of hypothetically and hyperbolically to make a point of how serious this is.
So it is shaky to base one's theology of what actually is from texts like these which are hypothetical and hyperbolic. Just because Paul says, ';If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels'; (1 Cor 13:1), doesn't mean there actually are languages of angels or that Paul could actually speak them. It's a hypothetical ';if'; and an exaggeration.
(Now I do believe that in the End, persons in hell will then receive a physical body to wed again with their souls to spend an eternity in the Lake of Fire. But that happens later not sooner. But it does happen.)
As for Matthew 10:2 [sic] (actually Matthew 10:28), again, it says that God ';can'; destroy both body and soul in hell. Technically, it doesn't say that God is doing it or will actually do it, just that he ';can.'; Now, I do think that God will actually do it but the text doesn't specifically say when that will happen. So when will it happen?
Historic, confessional Christianity has consistently seen the Bible teaching that, for now, when the body dies, the soul separates and goes to heaven or hell. The soul is the core of a person's being, the ';personhood'; of the person. The soul carries the full sense of identity and personhood even apart from the body. But the body is not evil, just corrupted. And a full human being is how God originally created us: soul and body.
This is why the Bible consistently speaks of the coming, universal bodily ';resurrection';, based upon the most important resurrection, that of Jesus Christ. 1Corinthians 15 speaks of this. Romans 8:23 speaks of the ';redemption of our bodies';, how we eagerly await for it. In the meantime, after death we exist sufficiently as souls, but all humans both in heaven and in hell are not fully complete until their bodily resurrection.
People that die and go to hell (or Hades) are there as souls until the Final Judgment when the resurrection will restore to them their bodies. Then fully as body-soul persons, they will go to their final destination, the Lake of Fire (see Rev 20:13-15).
As for James 3:6, an accurate translation is that the tongue is set on fire ';by hell'; or ';from hell'; not ';in hell.'; If you want to get picky about it, in the original Greek, the prepositional phrase is ';hupo teis geenneis';. ';Hupo'; plus the genitive noun means ';by'; or ';from'; something not ';in';. If he wanted to say ';in'; there are several clear ways to do it, but ';hupo + genitive'; is not one of those ways. So, James 3:6 means that the evil words that come out of the mouth and by the tongue have their ';source'; in hell (hence James 3:15 saying that such evil is earthly, unspiritual, and ';demonic';).
Well to say that we are not going to have bodies is simply mistaken. When you read 1 Cor. 15 it says that we will in fact have bodies. It does say that these are spiritual bodies but these spiritual bodies come from our physical bodies. These spiritual bodies are our physicial bodies change. A physical ressurection is a basic and key teaching in the NT. We will have a bodily ressurection, but our bodies will be changed.
Souls are pure and can't feel pain, unlike your body which can. That's why.
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