Friday, February 12, 2010

Is the Picture of Jesus Christ the true Picture of him?

Please can you give me any proofIs the Picture of Jesus Christ the true Picture of him?
i can truthfully tell you there is no image of jesus on wall or picture the ones you see are only what artist imagine he looked like. Furthermore to be totally honest if you really study the bible you should know that a so called pic of jesus would be an idol no more no less than the golden calf that the people of the exodus constructed at the foot of mount sainai when moses recieved the ten comandment.Is the Picture of Jesus Christ the true Picture of him?
jesus? no! yasheau i dont see the picture so cant judge it but yasheau (not sure of spelling) was a jewish boy created from sperm just like everyone else and the story of the immaculent conception was so that mary did not get killed for giving into temptation.! and my resources are my mind and someone very wise who i can not give out their name
there is no exact evidence to prove how Jesus looked. The pictures you see drawn or in church are the ideas/theories of what and how Jesus may have looked like. Many images portray him as a young, thin man with a beard and long hair, but the colour of Jesus' skin still is being questioned today by Christians. If you are a Christian yourself i don't think this question should be of somewhat concern to you, because Jesus did only come to Earth to preach the words of his Father not to be judged or questioned about his physical appearance.
The Bible depicted him as an African with African lineage, having African names, from tribes with African names in Africa, who were of Asrae(Israel - the visited one) There were the Gileadites(Ga tribe) Identified in Judges by their own language 'ASHIBOLETH'. Abraham, from the kwahu tribe and on and on we go!

What was the question again? I don't know!
There is no [true picture] of Jesus. Over the course of some 1900+ years, many cultures have interpreted how Jesus should look, so that he has appeared as a young man, an old man, a middle aged man, a dark-skinned / dark-eyed man, a light-skinned / blue-eyed man, a beardless man, a man with a beard, etc. No one today knows what Jesus really looked like. However, in that he was Jewish, we can safely assume he had olive to dark-skin and dark eyes. Further, as was custom during his time, he would have had a beard.
There is descriptions of him in the bible aparantly so it may be similar to what he was like.
I shouldn't think so. Think about it, do you really think he had fair hair and blue eyes?

.If you have any knowlege of Him then you already have a picture.

Just. Merciful. Infallable. God Incarnate. Our brige to the Father.

The writers of the biblical accounts are indeed real historical figures. And places He taught and places his disciples visited really exist, as you can follow the acheological findings.

Then there is the argument with yourself: If he were not the Son of God would he TOTALLY dedicate his life to His Father and to his followers. Would he lay down his life. He did not have to leave his heavenly place, he chose to come. If he were not who his followers claim, would they lay down their lives, century after century. Even today in some parts of the world, many who speaks of Him will suffer, and some will be killed.

2000 years later we still read His Story. We still celebrate his birth, study his life, commemorate his death, rejoice at his ressurection. We take comfort in His mercy and guidance from His unwavering principles. A pretty compelling track record.

Now we come to leap of faith CS Lewis and other authors talks about. The intent was to disprove, but their research brought them to the Cross.

The teaching that Jesus died for the sins of the world must be brought down to the individual, to either reject or accept Jesus as Savior and Lord. The understanding that the blood of Jesus covers our unrigteousness. God sees us pure before him when we acknowlege that Jesus's blood was shed for our sins.

When they talk about the sinner's prayer it has three elements. Acknowlege your sin. Believe he can take the burdon of your sin. Confess his Lordship.

This is where people say '; but I will get lost'; They misunderstand lordship.

What will I give up for God sometimes becomes the question. But I think the real question is What will it take become a complete person, free of guilt of our sin, free to really live our lives with the help of the Holy Spirit, not just exist?

Jesus Christ, the son of God.
Oh yes! like What? Of course everyone had a digital camera then and were busy snapping piccies as he was getting nailed. The picture, like the story book is a figment of someone's imagination. So, She can look like anyone your want her to look like, if that's your scene, personally I look for the beauty and goodness around me and worship that and try to imagine living here without the rest of the crap (i.e. people)
No the real Jesus was much darker, He would probably look alot like someone from the middle east..cuz thats where he was from...although who wants to admit that right...
i dont think so, the bible says its a shame for a man to have long hair, so I seriously doubt that Jesus had long hair!
Well there were no Photos back then....

and concidering his description/area of origin, the odds are he would have more Arabic features.
No. It is made up.

Someone first painted him how they thought he looked like.
It is speculated that the classical image of Jesus has taken from the Shroud of Turin, which is the supposed burial shroud of Christ. There is an imprint on that Shroud and many experts have gone over it. They can tell you what DIDN'T make the shroud but can only speculate as to what did.

Anyway, the went over the face in the shroud and can identify 3 characteristics that began to appear more and more in art when depicting Jesus.

So, it depends. If the Shroud is real then yes, that is where his picture came from and one can speculate that he generally looked that way.
No, because there is no description of him. We not only don't know what the looked like, we don't even know for sure if he existed.
There aren't any contemporary pictures of JC, and that would have been against his culture.

Pictures of Jesus came to be painted long after his death, the painters didn't know what he looked like so they made it up, trying to paint him according to their idea of what he represented.

PS Palestinians don't have black skin, it is generally olive. Jews have lived all over the world since those times, and they tend to look like the people they live among. There is no description of Jesus in the Bible. Actually it doesn't tell us much about him, apart from his religious activities.
Probably not.

But what difference does it make what he looked like?

It's about what he DID.
yeah, it's the true picture of him....

what picture?

It's evolved from classical painters throughout the centuries..............

In fact Jesus looked like Adam Sandler with a mustache and beard. I know because he told me.
If you're talking avout the one of Him where he looks like a white dude with long hair, no.

The true Jesus most likely had olive skin and hair that wasn't as straight and flowing.

Think about where he was born. How many people in that region today look like they just got back from Woodstock?
I personally do not believe those pictures are real.

There were not camera's or video recorders back in those days. I also don't think they are real because the bible makes it very clear that we shouldn't worship things like idols or images, and we should wear things like charms and such. Infact one sunday my husband preached a sermon on how it was wrong for believers to have art work that had a so called ';picture'; of Jesus on it.

Even if there was a picture of Jesus, I don't believe anyone could stand to look at it because he's so Holy %26amp; Pure.

Blessings To You %26amp; Yours
no jesus christ looked like a palestinian man

he had got black skin
Jesus probably looked liked Anwar Sadat or Arafat.
Well since Jesus made everything it is entirely conceivable that he invented the Polaroid camera before he died.

Im gonna say yes!
No, there is no picture of Him. Does it matter what He looks like?

Paintings were done by artists hundreds of years after His crucifiction, they had no way of knowing what He looked like. Look at the painting of the cherubim, those cute little cherub angels? If you read Ezekiel, you'll see that cherubim are frightening creatures, not cute little cuddly kids with wings. Just artist interpretations, and yeah, way, way off.
No. The modern images of Jesus evolved from ancient images of Dionysos.
There are no pictures of Jesus Christ unless the man on the Turin shroud is him. During Jesus' lifetime, the Jewish religion forbade making images of living people.
No, But use your imagination to visualise him.
i heard that cause he was born in the middle east, he couldnt have had the really light skin that the europeans portray
No it is someones interpretation of how he might have looked cuz there were no cameras. We werent there dear. Two thousand years have passed.
.....he was of a sementic class of peoples and therefore he should have looked like an arab with darker skin and a rounder face.....the pictures U see today and in history are of the image of ZEUS that was depicted on ZEUSs statue......i kid u not its greek influence

Do you believe that Jesus is the true Prophet?

He is the Messiah , Son of God.Do you believe that Jesus is the true Prophet?
I believe Jesus is the A true Prophet.Do you believe that Jesus is the true Prophet?

Jesus (pbuh) was A prophet, but not THE prophet. There were many prophets sent from Allah: Abraham, Ismail, Musa (Moses), Jesus, Muhammad, and others (pbut).
he is A true propeht, jesus (peace be upon him) was one of the honorale prophets (peace be upon them all).
A prophet, yes. The son of God, NO WAY!
Jesus is Elohim and Yahweh, but he is not his father. He is like his father and holds the same authority.
no, but if he did exist, i believe him to be one of the greatest men in history.
No, Jesus is not a prophet. Jesus is the one Whose word the prophets spoke. A prophet delivers a message from God. Jesus is God.

I believe in Christianity. And, that Jesus is the final prophet. He is a true Prophet. There were many prophets before Christ:

Adam, Moses, Abraham, Aaron, Isaac, Ismael ...

The Bible Calls Jesus a Prophet several times...

John 6:14

After the people saw the miraculous sign that Jesus did, they began to say, ';Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world.';

Luke 24:20

';About Jesus of Nazareth,'; they replied. ';He was a prophet, powerful in word and deed before God and all the people. The chief priests and our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death, and they crucified him

Matthew 21:11

The crowds answered, ';This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.';

What is the true story about mary maglie and jesus christ?

i have heard many so called opinions but i would like to know who mary really was and the background of her storyWhat is the true story about mary maglie and jesus christ?
read the bible and find out, thats is the only place u wil get the facts and not opinionsWhat is the true story about mary maglie and jesus christ?
I do not know, but I will tell you what I do know. Mary was a disciple of Jesus of Nazareth the Christ. Jesus loved Mary in particular, I beleive it was for her faith as well as her honesty and her love. I do believe it to be true she was the one to wash the feet of Jesus and dry them with her hair.

This is a very good question. There is a book called The Nag Hamaddi in English this is where I have found some of my information as well as a book called the Magdela Gospel work of fiction based on fact.
The ';true story'; as you say will come from the bible. All the bible says about Mary Magdalene is that she is a woman out of whom Jesus cast seven devils. That's about it.
The true part of the story is that she was Mary of Bethany, Wife to Yeshua Ben Josiah, who bore him 3 children; a daughter named Tamar and two sons named Yeshua and Josiah. She annointed the Messiah with oil of spikenard as was the tradition for all incoming kings of the Hebrew people. She was spirited out of Jerusalem at the outset of the Jewish Revolt of AD66 by Yeshua's Brother Yehuda, known as James the Just or also as Joseph of Arimethia, to the South of France where they settled in the Langedoc region and produced the Morovingian line of French Monarchs that ended with Dagobert II. She was not a fallen woman and she was not a harlot and she was not an adulteress. That's Roman propaganda spread by two notorious woman-hating dim bulbs known a Simon (St. Peter) and Saul of Tarsus( A/K/A St. Paul). The Age of Pieces is over and we're in the Age of Aquarius so the Fishermen have given way to the Bearers of Knowledge and the truth is coming out. Finally, the stranglehold that the Roman Church has had on the world is coming to an end.
I think you mean Mary Magdalene. You can read about her in the Gospels Mark 15: 40, Luke 8:2 - John 20: 1,16,17. There is very little recorded about her - it is thought that Jesus may have driven demons from her. Luke tells us that her home town was Magdala - hence the name (Mary of Magdala). She is not to be confused with the sinful woman in chapter 7 of Luke who was a prostitute. Mary was thought to be the first person to go to the tomb where Jesus had been laid after the crucifixion. She is recorded as appearing at the crucifixion and resurrection in all four gospels which is strong evidence for her existence and love for Jesus. It is clear that the Gospel writers thought she was a significant person in Jesus's life. But there is no other discourse about her in the Bible other than that mentioned above. It has been suggested that Mary Magdalene was married to Jesus, or was his partner/lover. There is no evidence to support this. Another theory is that Mary was Jesus's sister. The truth is we do not know. We do know that all the disciples of Jesus were male and asked to give up everything and follow him - that includes spouses or partners. Maybe Mary was Jesus's girlfriend and although he could not have a normal courtship with her he still loved her. In turn Mary never lost her love for him and was there to support him when it mattered most. Hope that helps.
Read the book.
It is not known. It is quite possible that Mary Magdalene didn't even exist.
Mary Magdalene was a wealthy woman who was possessed by demons, which Jesus cast out. She was an Apostle of sorts, but not His lover or wife. She was a follower.

Jesus is the only sinless man to ever walk this earth. Even on the cross He never retaliated nor used foul language.

Jesus loved Mary- but it was in the pure love that He loves us all.鈥?/a>

Keep in mind that hollywood will distort anything at all to make a buck- The life of our Lord should not be used to do this- but maybe it will make people ask more questions thus leading up to the truth- Jesus is Lord of all.
only mary magdalene and jesus knows for sure but the bible is clear...jesus was without sin.
It's simple -read about her in Matthew Mark Luke Or John of the Bible.
know one will ever know
I suggest you read the gospel of mary magdelene. Or did you even know that there was a gospel called mary magdelene. I guess the christians forogt to tell about gospel of Mary Magdelene, the gospel of philip, the gospel of judas, the gospel of thomas...and so on...hmmm... i wonder why they didn't make it in the bible...well beats me...
I have heard that Mary Magdelene was a prostitute possessed with 7 different spirits or demons, which our Lord Christ Jesus cast out of her, therefore she loved our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus. She only recognized Him after His resurrection because of His voice. This goes with Christ saying ';And my sheep will recognize my voice.';
she was a deciple follower of Jesus fter she was forgiven of her sin's by him. she was one of a group of women who followed and helped Jesus and the desciples
The only thing we know is from the bible .... but tradition holds she is Mary of Magdel sister of Martha and Lazarus she is the adulterous women and the one who repented by cleaning Jesus' feet with her hair she though of Jesus as her saviour and friend nothing more.
Little is really known about her except that she was a devoted disciple of Jesus Christ, and was honored to be the first to see Him after His Resurrection. Most of what is said about her beyond this is myth.

In Matthew 7:20 Jesus speaking of true followers said by their fruit you will know them.?

In Galations 5:22%26amp;23 it lists the fruitage of the sprit.

Are they the same thing or was Jesus talking about results of actions ?In Matthew 7:20 Jesus speaking of true followers said by their fruit you will know them.?
Its clear by saying by their fruit you will know them....not by the fruitage of the spirit..but by their individual fruit you will know them. So its about the results of their actions. If I say I'm looking forward to fall.....Could this have to meanings....yes. So you need to look at the context of the whole passage. The fruit is from the spirit directing them...but how can you measure there fruit...from their actions...the results...the product of what they produce????In Matthew 7:20 Jesus speaking of true followers said by their fruit you will know them.?
the fruit is the spirit of Christ Jesus

his spirit is us

bad fruit produces bad

good produces good

what you hear and see and comprehend as bad

is not of God

i think it is both. jesus is talking about those spiritual ';fruits'; and then those fruits contribute to actions and their outcome. i would also include the ';gifts'; mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12.
Jesus lived and died for the sake of all our sins.

Many have doubts regarding His life as a simple human being.

I saw an article regarding His life as a historical human being

and proofs supporting the claims.
no he is talking about melon-size.

If Jesus was the same God as the Father is, why would Jesus lie by saying his Father is ';the only true God';?

John 17:13

I was told by a person that Jesus certainly did NOT say :'; My Father AND I are the only true God. ';

How would you explain this misunderstanding of the Scripture to the person?If Jesus was the same God as the Father is, why would Jesus lie by saying his Father is ';the only true God';?
There is only one true God, the creator of heaven and earth. From the very start of the Bible to its close, this truth is proclaimed with no ambiguity. The Father is the only true God, as Jesus stated in John 17:3. Remember that in this verse Jesus was praying to his Father just before the horror of Gethsemane and the cross enveloped him. The disciples were present to hear his massive prayer. He was praying for himself at that point. Then he prayed for his disciples, then for all future believers. So his disciples heard him pray, ';You [God] granted him [Jesus] authority over all people that he [Jesus] might give eternal life to all those you have given him.'; (vs 2)

Only God can give life to people! There are not two gods in operation, both with power to give life! That goes against everything the Bible teaches! The writer, however, was the writer who stated that Jesus was the Word of God, who was with God in the beginning, and who WAS God! Further, that through the Word, all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life.'; (1:1-3). The writer knew that Jesus is the Creator.

Further, this Jesus told the writer and the other apostles that they must honour the Son just as they honour the Father. He who does not honour the Son does not honour the Father who sent him. To obey the Son is to obey the Father. To adore the Son is to adore the Father. They are not at odds - they are one! The Son has life in himself - the life of God, the same God as the Father. (5:22-30) It is no use picking one verse out of this entire gospel of John's! Read the whole gospel and fall down on your knees!If Jesus was the same God as the Father is, why would Jesus lie by saying his Father is ';the only true God';?
This is John 17:13

';13';I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them.';

May I ask what scripture are you reviewing?

What you might be referring to is ';I am in the Father, and The Father is in me';

John 14:10

Don't you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.
Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit...are the three ';persons'; of God. God takes three forms in the way that we understand things...The Father, Son, and Spirit to help believers in different ways.

Because man could not live up to the law handed to man through Moses by God, it ultimately took God taking the form as His Son to come into the world, walk the walk of a man and die sinless to finally absolve us from the power of sin.

Once we believe, the Holy Spirit endwells us so that we can know and experience God in our daily lives.

It is hard for the human mind to comprehend something being three things all at once, but it does not negate God being in three persons simply because we cannot understand it. How could we begin to understand someone that is All-powerful and All-knowing when we are neither?
Well, I think He said He was one with the Father.

But, of course He was modelling the perfect human behaviour, so acting in the right relationship to God a human should have; so laying aside His powers, and working with and through the Holy Spirit as we are meant to.

But this is difficult to explain, as its a complex reality - humans love simplicity. Of course as a believer one doesn't trouble oneself too much, but various sects try to pull people out of standard christian belief by drawing attention to apparent illogicalities.

It might be better though if you know what shift-set of christianity they are in. As it seems that to teach contrary to the traditional understanding of Christ, requires that such teaching deviate in ways that plain contradict the Bible.

Eg Jehovah's Witnesses say Jesus was Archangel Michael, but Hebrews 1 says firmly he isn't an angel.

Eg Mormons (LDS) say Jesus was spirit brother of Lucifer.
Jesus didn't lie. He said his Father is the only true God. (John 17:3) Jesus called himself the Son of God. (John 10:36)

It is true that Jesus did NOT say that he and his Father were the only true God. To quote Jesus, he said: ';And this is the way to have eternal life鈥攖o know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth.'; Do you see anything in this verse where Jesus included himself as being the true God along with his Father? NO!

Even Paul agreed that the Father was the only one God. At 1 Cor. 8:6, he said: ';But we know that there is only one God, the Father, who created everything.';

So, if the Father is the ';only true God ';or the ';only one God,'; what does that spell for the trinity doctrine? That makes it a bold faced lie!

BTW, WHERE in the Bible does it say Jesus is the same God as the Father? NOWHERE!
There is only one God (Deu. 6:4). That God is our father (Malachi 2:10). If Jesus is that God (1 Timothy 3:16) then Jesus is our father. As to his deity, Jesus Christ is God the Father. Isaiah 9:6 clearly calls him the Father. Some have argued that this should be translated ';Father of Eternity,'; but not one major translation translates it that way. However, even if we adopt the translation ';Father of Eternity'; does that diminish the force? Jesus is STILL called the Father. I Corinthians 8:6 tells us that, ';to us there is but one God, the Father.'; There is no God outside of the Father. So in the sense that Jesus is that God, then Jesus is the Father. Malachi 2:10 asks the question ';Have we not all one Father? hath not one God created us?'; So we all have one Father, and our Father is God. The reason we call God our Father is because he created us. John 1:3, Colossians 1:16 and Hebrews 1:2 tell us that all things were created by Jesus, thereby making him our Father.


While Jesus was both God and man at the same time, sometimes He acted from the human viewpoint; and sometimes from the divine viewpoint. As Father, He sometimes spoke from His divine self-consciousness; as Son He sometimes spoke from His human self-consciousness.
MEN decided that Jesus was God via council. They did so through popular interpretation of both the Old and New Testaments.

You are correct, Jesus is not recorded as having said this.

Did you know that Jesus is the true living God?

Jesus is the Only true God. Jesus is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Believe it or not. He is real and comeing back soon. Praying for all the lost souls. Jesus loves you all.Did you know that Jesus is the true living God?
Amen! Jesus is Lord!Did you know that Jesus is the true living God?

May I ask if Jesus is Lord, what is He Lord of? Is He Lord of your lifestyle, your job, your conversation, your friendship? Is He really Lord of your life or is He just something you have added to your collection of ';important'; things?

Report Abuse

For a good witness you are a showing a half naked woman in your avatar? Yes Jesus Is Lord of us lords and King of us Kings.....Read the book of Mormon
Yes, I do know!

';Behold, I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps thae words of the prophecy in this book (the Bible).';

Jesus loves you too.
I agree with your statement.

A bit concerned about your avatar though.....
Absolutely. Prase the Lord. He is wonderful, isn't He. God bless you!!
OMG!! you did not just try to convince people that Jesus is real with that comment and then have that picture right there ............come on
Thank you for having the courage to write what you did.

I agree with what you say, He is God, Lord of Lords and is coming back soon. He DOES love us all. But I feel your Avatar is inconsistent with the modest image of a Christian woman.
Praise the Lord!!!
...I trusted in Jesus as my Lord and Savior 29 years ago - what a wonderful Savior, Friend, and Redeemer He is. Please pray for my 90 year old mother, that she will trust in Jesus soon.

鈥lease observe these verses from 1 Timothy 2:

鈥? Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments,

鈥?0 but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness.

鈥 bring this up because your avatar does not support/promote modest dress and is not honoring to the Lord. Please change your avatar as soon as possible to something that blesses and honors our Savior.

鈥lessings to you.
Without a doubt. And You?? God Bless you.
With an avatar like that you are as convincing as satan himself saying it, in other words you're not convincing at all

You are not spreading the good news as you are a lie.

It would be as likely for you to be believed as a clown shouting during a circus performance run for your lives the tent is on fire. Everyone will applaud and think it was part of the act
Yes. I believe you are a prophet of god and I hope he blesses you!
I thought it was L. Ron Hubbard, but thanks for straightening me out.
You are a moron....

Keep waiting for jesus!!!!!!

Jesus was just a prophet...

nothing else...
Jesus was an Aramaic Jew that lived during the 1st century.

He later became a spiritual leader, was shunned by the Jewish theocracy, and executed by the Romans.

Jesus is dead.
Amen, I am not afraid to say Jesus is my Lord, I'm sorry other rude people have to be negative.
Quite true. Jesus is Lord, amen!
Your a sexy Jesus freak!
he is a fraud
This isn't a question, it is a sermon and a cheesy attempt at evangelism. Thanks for the 2 points.
you're aware of course there's no proof jesus existed and is nothing more than nonsense
Jesus can't be a living God. He was sacrificed, necessitating his death.
I think I have heard that a million times before. I still don't believe it. Thanks just the same.
Nope Nope :-)
There is no evidence for the existence of God.
You may believe anything you want. Just don't try to force others to believe as you do. Live as Jesus did %26amp; you'll be OK.
I'm sorry...that's incorrect.
Did you know Jesus was a jew? Also he couldn't have been white considering he was from the middle east. KINDA IMPOSSIBLE. ANYWAYS YAH!!! WAIT...HE DIDNT EAT KOSHER...That had to suck!
jesus is not god he is gods son you dork

he who's name is jehovah is the most high over all earth

psalms 83;18
DiD u KNoW U WeRe aNNoyiNG
  • love girls myspace
  • Is Christmas a time when all races and religions can get together and worship Jesus as the one true God?

    hahahahhaha.... u make me laughIs Christmas a time when all races and religions can get together and worship Jesus as the one true God?
    No, it is important that people respect others' religions. Christmas is based on a Christian celebration, but should not be forced down non-Christians throats. As a Christian I try to be sensitive to the feelings of other groups at this time of year and throughout the year when they celebrate religious holidays. I work internationally so it impacts me a great deal.Is Christmas a time when all races and religions can get together and worship Jesus as the one true God?
    Most people don't realize this but Christmas really has nothing to do with Jesus. The Catholic Church wasn't sure of the actual birthday of Jesus. Since the pagan population was celebrating the winter solstice (Dec. 21) they wanted to overpower the celebration and turn it into a Christian celebration to drown out the ';heretics';. As the years passed and the pagans were weeded out everyone now knew it as ';Jesus's Birthday'; which is completely wrong.
    Some might come together and worship God under various names, but others will celebrate the Winter Solstice.
    ';in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,,,'; Jn.1:1

    however: no it is not a time for that, christmas is a holy day for the merchants of babylon that they might appease their own god of greed and monetary gain.

    after studying the issue i'm inclined to think a Christian ought to celebrate Hanuka like any good Jew, because Hanuka is a celebration of light, of the light coming into the world, which is what the birth of Jesus is all about. And then continue in the Jewish tradition of giving ...

    anyway that's what i think...they ain't any of all of humanity gonna unite in that way...and that isn't a bad thing, child.
    Interesting that your question is listed under ';mythology and folklore';.
    Jesus is not a god.

    He was a son of God.

    Why would non-christians worship on a christian holliday?

    But it would be nice if christians stop insulting non-christians for a while, as a token of respect for the lesson that Jesus taught: love your neighbour..............
    No... it's about having a break from a job you hate .... drinking and eating too much... buying people gifts that you can't afford, spending time with family you don't like... There seems to be no CHRIST in CHRISTmas any more... hohoho... NOW can i PLEASE have a cookie???
    why would ';all religions'; do that? not all religions believe jesus is God or even the son of God.
    Not At all......How do you deduct Christian belief from others as the ONE true God???
    No i dont think so.. A lot of religions dont worship the same JESUS/GOD we born again christians do.. So i doubt they could all get together and worship as one.
    for some maybe
    not really..well at least for me
    Actually, for christians Jesus and God are the same.

    Christmas is the time when christians celebrate the birth of Jesus.

    Many people do not believe that Jesus is God.

    Muslims believe he was a prophet. Some people believe he was a good man with good ideas about how people should live.

    Many people do not believe that he existed, although it is a historical fact.

    I think you can say he was either mad or who he said he was, the son of God.

    I believe Jesus, son of the Father, born of Mary through the power of the Holy Spirit is God. (3 in one)

    Alleluia. Peace on earth good will to all people. Whether they believe or not.
    No. All races, yes; all religions, absolutely not! Most religions do not accept that Jesus is God! (In case you're wondering....I do!)
    Some religions belive theyre two differnt and anothers the same.

    And some don't belive in jesus at all. Just God. or A GOD. And give them different names. or have a profet or someone they worship as a God.

    Why can there be only One True Church, and why One, and why True? Is it because of it's founder, Jesus Christ?

    ONE CHURCH - Is there to be only one Church or many? According to Scripture, Christ wanted us to be one (John 17:22-23). We are all as a Church to be of one mind and to think the same (Philippians 2:2; Romans 15:5). There is only to be one ';faith'; (Ephesians 4:3-6), not many. For the Church is Christ's Body and Christ only had one Body, not many. Also, since the Church is Christ's Bride (Ephesians 5:29), can Christ be married to more than one wife (essentially a spiritual form of the the sin of polygamy)? No, Christ can only have one wife (i.e., one Church, not many).

    Every Christian believes that Jesus Christ established and sustains a community of faith, hope and love for all believers. This community we call His Church. The Church that Christ founded is the Catholic Church which has a formal earthly structure established by Christ and which continues under His authority and protection.

    Jesus did three things that established the framework of His Church. First, He chose humans to carry out His work. He appointed Peter to be the visible head of the Church. Jesus said to Peter, ';You are Rock and on this rock I will build my Church.'; (Matthew 16: 18) Jesus said ';build,'; as in to create a structure. Jesus built His structure on specifically chosen human beings Peter and the apostles.

    Second, Jesus gave Peter and the apostles the power and authority to carry out His work. ';Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven.';(Matthew 16:19; 18:18) ';Receive the Holy Spirit, whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven, whose sins you retain, they are retained.';(John 20:23)

    Third, Jesus gave Peter and the apostles commands as to what that work should be. At the last supper, He commanded, ';Do this in memory of Me.'; (Luke 22:19) He commanded them to ';Make disciples of all nations'; (Matthew 28:19), and to ';Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.'; (Mark 16:15)

    The Catholic Church is the only church that can claim to have been founded by Christ personally. Every other church traces its lineage back to a mere human person such as Martin Luther or John Wesley. The Catholic Church can trace its lineage back to Jesus Christ who appointed St. Peter as the first pope. This line of popes has continued unbroken for almost 2,000 years.

    God rules, instructs and sanctifies His people through His Church. Under her teaching office, the Catholic Church preserves the Word of God. She is the custodian, keeper, dispenser and interpreter of teachings of Christ. And she accomplishes this under the protection of the Holy Spirit.


    If we wish to locate the Church founded by Jesus, we need to locate the one that has the four chief marks or qualities of his Church. The Church we seek must be one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.

    The Church Is One (Rom. 12:5, 1 Cor. 10:17, 12:13, CCC 813–822)

    Jesus established only one Church, not a collection of differing churches (Lutheran, Baptist, Anglican, and so on). The Bible says the Church is the bride of Christ (Eph. 5:23–32). Jesus can have but one spouse, and his spouse is the Catholic Church.

    His Church also teaches just one set of doctrines, which must be the same as those taught by the apostles (Jude 3). This is the unity of belief to which Scripture calls us (Phil. 1:27, 2:2).

    Although some Catholics dissent from officially-taught doctrines, the Church’s official teachers—the pope and the bishops united with him—have never changed any doctrine. Over the centuries, as doctrines are examined more fully, the Church comes to understand them more deeply (John 16:12–13), but it never understands them to mean the opposite of what they once meant.

    The Church Is Holy (Eph. 5:25–27, Rev. 19:7–8, CCC 823–829)

    By his grace Jesus makes the Church holy, just as he is holy. This doesn’t mean that each member is always holy. Jesus said there would be both good and bad members in the Church (John 6:70), and not all the members would go to heaven (Matt. 7:21–23).

    But the Church itself is holy because it is the source of holiness and is the guardian of the special means of grace Jesus established, the sacraments (cf. Eph. 5:26).

    The Church Is Catholic (Matt. 28:19–20, Rev. 5:9–10, CCC 830–856)

    Jesus’ Church is called catholic (';universal'; in Greek) because it is his gift to all people. He told his apostles to go throughout the world and make disciples of ';all nations'; (Matt. 28:19–20).

    For 2,000 years the Catholic Church has carried out this mission, preaching the good news that Christ died for all men and that he wants all of us to be members of his universal family (Gal. 3:28).Why can there be only One True Church, and why One, and why True? Is it because of it's founder, Jesus Christ?
    It is because there is only one truth.

    The Catholic Church requires baptism, but not necessarily by immersion.

    The Baptist Church says baptism is not required, but when it is done it must be by immersion.

    Can both be right? Of course not!

    There is some measure of truth in every religion, however, therefore we Catholics say that we have ';the fullness of the truth';.

    Hope this helps.Why can there be only One True Church, and why One, and why True? Is it because of it's founder, Jesus Christ?
    Jesus only started one church (Matt 16:18), and he prayed that we all be united (see John 17:20-21: ';My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.';)

    Other people have started more than 30,000 fellowships, not by following Jesus' directions, but by ';protesting'; against Jesus' organization. These organizations usually have part of the truth, but they wear doctrinal blinders that won't allow them to consider evidence outside the Bible, or interpret key scriptures correctly, or recognize their limitations as scriptural interpreters 2000 years removed from the original documents.

    I'm not sure why anyone would try to follow Jesus by rejecting Jesus' church in favor of an organization protesting against Jesus' church.


    there can only be one truth, because God , who is one, taught one truth, One Lord, One baptism. The doctrines, teaching of the church, the traditions, are all from Jesus, and held in the catholic church for over 2 thousand years. There has been a pope for 2 thousand years, the sacraments, everything that Jesus died to give us, for our journey home to him, is in this one true church. Check inside for more salvation information.
    There was only to be ONE proper way of worshipping God. Think about it. Adam and Eve were getting direct instructions from their creator. It wasn't until after they disobeyed and things went arry that worship also strayed, reaching it's ';peak'; in more ways than one in the days of Nimrod. By then all kinds of unacceptable practices had crept into the worship fo God. When the people were dispersed, they took their worship with them.

    Again, why ONE? Imagine having five children. Would you set different house rules and so forth for each child. Would you allow one child to do things you wouldn't allow the others. Expect something from one or two that you don't expect from the others? It wouldn't make for a very peaceful household would it? And it's why we don't have a peaceful planet... at least one of the reasons.
    there is one true church....the body of belivers in christ jesus.....just dont happen to be the one you consider to be true.its not a literal place or organization.

    Ephesians 1:22 And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church,

    1:23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

    Colossians 1:18 And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.

    colossians 1:24 I now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ, for the sake of His body, which is the church,
    The principal evidence is in Matthew 16:13-20, not in a sermon but in a private teaching session with his disciples.

    When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, ';Who do people say the Son of Man is?';

    They replied, ';Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.';

    ';But what about you?'; he asked. ';Who do you say I am?';

    Simon Peter answered, ';You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.';

    Jesus replied, ';Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.'; Jesus established a human organization, the church, with Peter as its first leader. He protected it from the powers of hell. He gave ';keys to the kingdom,'; so that what the leaders of the church decide would be honored in heaven.

    Among the authorized decisions were to appoint new leaders, such as Matthias to replace Judas in Acts 1.

    History shows that this organization has an unbroken line of leadership dating back to Peter:

    The organization is very much alive today--the Catholic Church.
    because there is only god. its based on his gospel. there is only one gospel, the holy bible. he started the true church the day of pentecost.preached to the world by the apostles. see for a full explanation or you can e-mail me for questions!
    Yes......Jesus Christ started the One True Church..His followers are called the One True is not an organized religion.
    because there is only one truth...there cant be two truths. one will be a lie. Jesus Christ also Established ONE TRUE church. he didnt establish a whole bunch of churches and call them all true
    Do you mean which Church is true

    Do you believe that Jesus is the true Prophet?

    He is the Messiah , Son of God.Do you believe that Jesus is the true Prophet?
    I believe Jesus is the A true Prophet.Do you believe that Jesus is the true Prophet?

    Jesus (pbuh) was A prophet, but not THE prophet. There were many prophets sent from Allah: Abraham, Ismail, Musa (Moses), Jesus, Muhammad, and others (pbut).
    he is A true propeht, jesus (peace be upon him) was one of the honorale prophets (peace be upon them all).
    A prophet, yes. The son of God, NO WAY!
    Jesus is Elohim and Yahweh, but he is not his father. He is like his father and holds the same authority.
    no, but if he did exist, i believe him to be one of the greatest men in history.
    No, Jesus is not a prophet. Jesus is the one Whose word the prophets spoke. A prophet delivers a message from God. Jesus is God.

    I believe in Christianity. And, that Jesus is the final prophet. He is a true Prophet. There were many prophets before Christ:

    Adam, Moses, Abraham, Aaron, Isaac, Ismael ...

    The Bible Calls Jesus a Prophet several times...

    John 6:14

    After the people saw the miraculous sign that Jesus did, they began to say, ';Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world.';

    Luke 24:20

    ';About Jesus of Nazareth,'; they replied. ';He was a prophet, powerful in word and deed before God and all the people. The chief priests and our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death, and they crucified him

    Matthew 21:11

    The crowds answered, ';This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.';

    Hypothetically, If everything that Jesus said is true, would you do what he commanded?

    Only Non-Christians please, Thank youHypothetically, If everything that Jesus said is true, would you do what he commanded?
    Without sitting down and looking at all the specifics, I think I'm already doing what he commanded. The beatitudes and golden rule are fairly good descriptions of how I live my life.

    I'm highly skeptical of the supernatural claims of Christianity, but I agree wholeheartedly that Jesus was a wise man with very good ideas.


    Jeff, the text of the KJV is styled in medieval verse (no I don't believe that the translators were divinely inspired). The beatitudes in particular are poetic in form, and not subject to strict interpretation. By saying that the poor are blessed, Jesus identified with their suffering and said that it would be recognized. The beatitudes as a whole are an exhortation to live well and love one another, with specific examples. They are an example of how the world could be if we lived in peace: a beautiful concept and one I attempt to live. (Occasionally I succeed, though not often).

    As far as dying in order to live (I assume that you're referring to John 12:24), I've already stated that I'm skeptical about the supernatural aspects of Christianity. I'm sure that Jesus and I differ on many matters of religion and theology. That doesn't change how I feel about his philosophical and social ideas. He's not my savior, but he's a very good example to the world. I don't worship him, but I'd definitely buy him a beer and listen to what he had to say.

    Honestly, I'd probably do the same for you, if we ever met.Hypothetically, If everything that Jesus said is true, would you do what he commanded?
    It's not hypothetical. God cannot lie. Jesus was God. So everything that Jesus says is true. So the answer is YES.

    Beginning of story.
    ';Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.'; - Jesus

    any takers?
    No, Jesus was a man that was born from his mothers womb and that died. End of story!
    i don't doubt that jesus ever lived. and if you could prove that everything he said was true then i don't think i would do as he commanded. i might be more willing if he asked me to do the things he talked about. according to a lot of christian posters your god gave us all free will so for you to say that jesus has commanded anyone to do anything is saying that he is taking away that which god gave and so he could not of been from god, so under your own wording of this question i would have to say no.
    Hello my Brothers and Sisters. Its been quite a while since we last communicated. In answering this question I would just like to tell you that JESUS taught his fellowers and told them that there would be wars, rumours of wars, nations fighting against nations, farmine, earthquakes, division in the church, all this for his name sake. And also when Simon Peter asked him what is the greatest commandment of all, JESUS answered him and said ';To love one another just as he has loved us';. So I hope that this little piece of literature helps you. If you want to know more please feel free to get in touch again. God Bless you all.
    nope, Jesus is jesus, me is me, you cant follow everything about him,
    Yes, hypothetically, if what he said was true. I follow truth not Jesus, but that doesnt mean he could not speak the truth.

    Non-hypothetically speaking;Were we to do that then we would be as close to the kingdom of heaven as we could be until we are to be given a translated body and actually go there. We are commanded to emulate Christ in all things bur scince we are in the fleshly bodies we have now this can not be done,but God doesn't hold it against us for He knows that we are weak and hopeless.

    What is the true story about mary maglie and jesus christ?

    i have heard many so called opinions but i would like to know who mary really was and the background of her storyWhat is the true story about mary maglie and jesus christ?
    read the bible and find out, thats is the only place u wil get the facts and not opinionsWhat is the true story about mary maglie and jesus christ?
    I do not know, but I will tell you what I do know. Mary was a disciple of Jesus of Nazareth the Christ. Jesus loved Mary in particular, I beleive it was for her faith as well as her honesty and her love. I do believe it to be true she was the one to wash the feet of Jesus and dry them with her hair.

    This is a very good question. There is a book called The Nag Hamaddi in English this is where I have found some of my information as well as a book called the Magdela Gospel work of fiction based on fact.
    The ';true story'; as you say will come from the bible. All the bible says about Mary Magdalene is that she is a woman out of whom Jesus cast seven devils. That's about it.
    The true part of the story is that she was Mary of Bethany, Wife to Yeshua Ben Josiah, who bore him 3 children; a daughter named Tamar and two sons named Yeshua and Josiah. She annointed the Messiah with oil of spikenard as was the tradition for all incoming kings of the Hebrew people. She was spirited out of Jerusalem at the outset of the Jewish Revolt of AD66 by Yeshua's Brother Yehuda, known as James the Just or also as Joseph of Arimethia, to the South of France where they settled in the Langedoc region and produced the Morovingian line of French Monarchs that ended with Dagobert II. She was not a fallen woman and she was not a harlot and she was not an adulteress. That's Roman propaganda spread by two notorious woman-hating dim bulbs known a Simon (St. Peter) and Saul of Tarsus( A/K/A St. Paul). The Age of Pieces is over and we're in the Age of Aquarius so the Fishermen have given way to the Bearers of Knowledge and the truth is coming out. Finally, the stranglehold that the Roman Church has had on the world is coming to an end.
    I think you mean Mary Magdalene. You can read about her in the Gospels Mark 15: 40, Luke 8:2 - John 20: 1,16,17. There is very little recorded about her - it is thought that Jesus may have driven demons from her. Luke tells us that her home town was Magdala - hence the name (Mary of Magdala). She is not to be confused with the sinful woman in chapter 7 of Luke who was a prostitute. Mary was thought to be the first person to go to the tomb where Jesus had been laid after the crucifixion. She is recorded as appearing at the crucifixion and resurrection in all four gospels which is strong evidence for her existence and love for Jesus. It is clear that the Gospel writers thought she was a significant person in Jesus's life. But there is no other discourse about her in the Bible other than that mentioned above. It has been suggested that Mary Magdalene was married to Jesus, or was his partner/lover. There is no evidence to support this. Another theory is that Mary was Jesus's sister. The truth is we do not know. We do know that all the disciples of Jesus were male and asked to give up everything and follow him - that includes spouses or partners. Maybe Mary was Jesus's girlfriend and although he could not have a normal courtship with her he still loved her. In turn Mary never lost her love for him and was there to support him when it mattered most. Hope that helps.
    Read the book.
    It is not known. It is quite possible that Mary Magdalene didn't even exist.
    Mary Magdalene was a wealthy woman who was possessed by demons, which Jesus cast out. She was an Apostle of sorts, but not His lover or wife. She was a follower.

    Jesus is the only sinless man to ever walk this earth. Even on the cross He never retaliated nor used foul language.

    Jesus loved Mary- but it was in the pure love that He loves us all.鈥?/a>

    Keep in mind that hollywood will distort anything at all to make a buck- The life of our Lord should not be used to do this- but maybe it will make people ask more questions thus leading up to the truth- Jesus is Lord of all.
    only mary magdalene and jesus knows for sure but the bible is clear...jesus was without sin.
    It's simple -read about her in Matthew Mark Luke Or John of the Bible.
    know one will ever know
    I suggest you read the gospel of mary magdelene. Or did you even know that there was a gospel called mary magdelene. I guess the christians forogt to tell about gospel of Mary Magdelene, the gospel of philip, the gospel of judas, the gospel of thomas...and so on...hmmm... i wonder why they didn't make it in the bible...well beats me...
    I have heard that Mary Magdelene was a prostitute possessed with 7 different spirits or demons, which our Lord Christ Jesus cast out of her, therefore she loved our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus. She only recognized Him after His resurrection because of His voice. This goes with Christ saying ';And my sheep will recognize my voice.';
    she was a deciple follower of Jesus fter she was forgiven of her sin's by him. she was one of a group of women who followed and helped Jesus and the desciples
    The only thing we know is from the bible .... but tradition holds she is Mary of Magdel sister of Martha and Lazarus she is the adulterous women and the one who repented by cleaning Jesus' feet with her hair she though of Jesus as her saviour and friend nothing more.
    Little is really known about her except that she was a devoted disciple of Jesus Christ, and was honored to be the first to see Him after His Resurrection. Most of what is said about her beyond this is myth.

    In Matthew 7:20 Jesus speaking of true followers said by their fruit you will know them.?

    In Galations 5:22%26amp;23 it lists the fruitage of the sprit.

    Are they the same thing or was Jesus talking about results of actions ?In Matthew 7:20 Jesus speaking of true followers said by their fruit you will know them.?
    Its clear by saying by their fruit you will know them....not by the fruitage of the spirit..but by their individual fruit you will know them. So its about the results of their actions. If I say I'm looking forward to fall.....Could this have to meanings....yes. So you need to look at the context of the whole passage. The fruit is from the spirit directing them...but how can you measure there fruit...from their actions...the results...the product of what they produce????In Matthew 7:20 Jesus speaking of true followers said by their fruit you will know them.?
    the fruit is the spirit of Christ Jesus

    his spirit is us

    bad fruit produces bad

    good produces good

    what you hear and see and comprehend as bad

    is not of God

    i think it is both. jesus is talking about those spiritual ';fruits'; and then those fruits contribute to actions and their outcome. i would also include the ';gifts'; mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12.
    Jesus lived and died for the sake of all our sins.

    Many have doubts regarding His life as a simple human being.

    I saw an article regarding His life as a historical human being

    and proofs supporting the claims.
    no he is talking about melon-size.
  • love girls myspace
  • If Jesus was the same God as the Father is, why would Jesus lie by saying his Father is ';the only true God';?

    John 17:13

    I was told by a person that Jesus certainly did NOT say :'; My Father AND I are the only true God. ';

    How would you explain this misunderstanding of the Scripture to the person?If Jesus was the same God as the Father is, why would Jesus lie by saying his Father is ';the only true God';?
    There is only one true God, the creator of heaven and earth. From the very start of the Bible to its close, this truth is proclaimed with no ambiguity. The Father is the only true God, as Jesus stated in John 17:3. Remember that in this verse Jesus was praying to his Father just before the horror of Gethsemane and the cross enveloped him. The disciples were present to hear his massive prayer. He was praying for himself at that point. Then he prayed for his disciples, then for all future believers. So his disciples heard him pray, ';You [God] granted him [Jesus] authority over all people that he [Jesus] might give eternal life to all those you have given him.'; (vs 2)

    Only God can give life to people! There are not two gods in operation, both with power to give life! That goes against everything the Bible teaches! The writer, however, was the writer who stated that Jesus was the Word of God, who was with God in the beginning, and who WAS God! Further, that through the Word, all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life.'; (1:1-3). The writer knew that Jesus is the Creator.

    Further, this Jesus told the writer and the other apostles that they must honour the Son just as they honour the Father. He who does not honour the Son does not honour the Father who sent him. To obey the Son is to obey the Father. To adore the Son is to adore the Father. They are not at odds - they are one! The Son has life in himself - the life of God, the same God as the Father. (5:22-30) It is no use picking one verse out of this entire gospel of John's! Read the whole gospel and fall down on your knees!If Jesus was the same God as the Father is, why would Jesus lie by saying his Father is ';the only true God';?
    This is John 17:13

    ';13';I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them.';

    May I ask what scripture are you reviewing?

    What you might be referring to is ';I am in the Father, and The Father is in me';

    John 14:10

    Don't you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.
    Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit...are the three ';persons'; of God. God takes three forms in the way that we understand things...The Father, Son, and Spirit to help believers in different ways.

    Because man could not live up to the law handed to man through Moses by God, it ultimately took God taking the form as His Son to come into the world, walk the walk of a man and die sinless to finally absolve us from the power of sin.

    Once we believe, the Holy Spirit endwells us so that we can know and experience God in our daily lives.

    It is hard for the human mind to comprehend something being three things all at once, but it does not negate God being in three persons simply because we cannot understand it. How could we begin to understand someone that is All-powerful and All-knowing when we are neither?
    Well, I think He said He was one with the Father.

    But, of course He was modelling the perfect human behaviour, so acting in the right relationship to God a human should have; so laying aside His powers, and working with and through the Holy Spirit as we are meant to.

    But this is difficult to explain, as its a complex reality - humans love simplicity. Of course as a believer one doesn't trouble oneself too much, but various sects try to pull people out of standard christian belief by drawing attention to apparent illogicalities.

    It might be better though if you know what shift-set of christianity they are in. As it seems that to teach contrary to the traditional understanding of Christ, requires that such teaching deviate in ways that plain contradict the Bible.

    Eg Jehovah's Witnesses say Jesus was Archangel Michael, but Hebrews 1 says firmly he isn't an angel.

    Eg Mormons (LDS) say Jesus was spirit brother of Lucifer.
    Jesus didn't lie. He said his Father is the only true God. (John 17:3) Jesus called himself the Son of God. (John 10:36)

    It is true that Jesus did NOT say that he and his Father were the only true God. To quote Jesus, he said: ';And this is the way to have eternal life鈥攖o know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth.'; Do you see anything in this verse where Jesus included himself as being the true God along with his Father? NO!

    Even Paul agreed that the Father was the only one God. At 1 Cor. 8:6, he said: ';But we know that there is only one God, the Father, who created everything.';

    So, if the Father is the ';only true God ';or the ';only one God,'; what does that spell for the trinity doctrine? That makes it a bold faced lie!

    BTW, WHERE in the Bible does it say Jesus is the same God as the Father? NOWHERE!
    There is only one God (Deu. 6:4). That God is our father (Malachi 2:10). If Jesus is that God (1 Timothy 3:16) then Jesus is our father. As to his deity, Jesus Christ is God the Father. Isaiah 9:6 clearly calls him the Father. Some have argued that this should be translated ';Father of Eternity,'; but not one major translation translates it that way. However, even if we adopt the translation ';Father of Eternity'; does that diminish the force? Jesus is STILL called the Father. I Corinthians 8:6 tells us that, ';to us there is but one God, the Father.'; There is no God outside of the Father. So in the sense that Jesus is that God, then Jesus is the Father. Malachi 2:10 asks the question ';Have we not all one Father? hath not one God created us?'; So we all have one Father, and our Father is God. The reason we call God our Father is because he created us. John 1:3, Colossians 1:16 and Hebrews 1:2 tell us that all things were created by Jesus, thereby making him our Father.


    While Jesus was both God and man at the same time, sometimes He acted from the human viewpoint; and sometimes from the divine viewpoint. As Father, He sometimes spoke from His divine self-consciousness; as Son He sometimes spoke from His human self-consciousness.
    MEN decided that Jesus was God via council. They did so through popular interpretation of both the Old and New Testaments.

    You are correct, Jesus is not recorded as having said this.

    Did you know that Jesus is the true living God?

    Jesus is the Only true God. Jesus is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Believe it or not. He is real and comeing back soon. Praying for all the lost souls. Jesus loves you all.Did you know that Jesus is the true living God?
    Amen! Jesus is Lord!Did you know that Jesus is the true living God?

    May I ask if Jesus is Lord, what is He Lord of? Is He Lord of your lifestyle, your job, your conversation, your friendship? Is He really Lord of your life or is He just something you have added to your collection of ';important'; things?

    Report Abuse

    For a good witness you are a showing a half naked woman in your avatar? Yes Jesus Is Lord of us lords and King of us Kings.....Read the book of Mormon
    Yes, I do know!

    ';Behold, I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps thae words of the prophecy in this book (the Bible).';

    Jesus loves you too.
    I agree with your statement.

    A bit concerned about your avatar though.....
    Absolutely. Prase the Lord. He is wonderful, isn't He. God bless you!!
    OMG!! you did not just try to convince people that Jesus is real with that comment and then have that picture right there ............come on
    Thank you for having the courage to write what you did.

    I agree with what you say, He is God, Lord of Lords and is coming back soon. He DOES love us all. But I feel your Avatar is inconsistent with the modest image of a Christian woman.
    Praise the Lord!!!
    ...I trusted in Jesus as my Lord and Savior 29 years ago - what a wonderful Savior, Friend, and Redeemer He is. Please pray for my 90 year old mother, that she will trust in Jesus soon.

    鈥lease observe these verses from 1 Timothy 2:

    鈥? Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments,

    鈥?0 but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness.

    鈥 bring this up because your avatar does not support/promote modest dress and is not honoring to the Lord. Please change your avatar as soon as possible to something that blesses and honors our Savior.

    鈥lessings to you.
    Without a doubt. And You?? God Bless you.
    With an avatar like that you are as convincing as satan himself saying it, in other words you're not convincing at all

    You are not spreading the good news as you are a lie.

    It would be as likely for you to be believed as a clown shouting during a circus performance run for your lives the tent is on fire. Everyone will applaud and think it was part of the act
    Yes. I believe you are a prophet of god and I hope he blesses you!
    I thought it was L. Ron Hubbard, but thanks for straightening me out.
    You are a moron....

    Keep waiting for jesus!!!!!!

    Jesus was just a prophet...

    nothing else...
    Jesus was an Aramaic Jew that lived during the 1st century.

    He later became a spiritual leader, was shunned by the Jewish theocracy, and executed by the Romans.

    Jesus is dead.
    Amen, I am not afraid to say Jesus is my Lord, I'm sorry other rude people have to be negative.
    Quite true. Jesus is Lord, amen!
    Your a sexy Jesus freak!
    he is a fraud
    This isn't a question, it is a sermon and a cheesy attempt at evangelism. Thanks for the 2 points.
    you're aware of course there's no proof jesus existed and is nothing more than nonsense
    Jesus can't be a living God. He was sacrificed, necessitating his death.
    I think I have heard that a million times before. I still don't believe it. Thanks just the same.
    Nope Nope :-)
    There is no evidence for the existence of God.
    You may believe anything you want. Just don't try to force others to believe as you do. Live as Jesus did %26amp; you'll be OK.
    I'm sorry...that's incorrect.
    Did you know Jesus was a jew? Also he couldn't have been white considering he was from the middle east. KINDA IMPOSSIBLE. ANYWAYS YAH!!! WAIT...HE DIDNT EAT KOSHER...That had to suck!
    jesus is not god he is gods son you dork

    he who's name is jehovah is the most high over all earth

    psalms 83;18
    DiD u KNoW U WeRe aNNoyiNG

    Is Christmas a time when all races and religions can get together and worship Jesus as the one true God?

    hahahahhaha.... u make me laughIs Christmas a time when all races and religions can get together and worship Jesus as the one true God?
    No, it is important that people respect others' religions. Christmas is based on a Christian celebration, but should not be forced down non-Christians throats. As a Christian I try to be sensitive to the feelings of other groups at this time of year and throughout the year when they celebrate religious holidays. I work internationally so it impacts me a great deal.Is Christmas a time when all races and religions can get together and worship Jesus as the one true God?
    Most people don't realize this but Christmas really has nothing to do with Jesus. The Catholic Church wasn't sure of the actual birthday of Jesus. Since the pagan population was celebrating the winter solstice (Dec. 21) they wanted to overpower the celebration and turn it into a Christian celebration to drown out the ';heretics';. As the years passed and the pagans were weeded out everyone now knew it as ';Jesus's Birthday'; which is completely wrong.
    Some might come together and worship God under various names, but others will celebrate the Winter Solstice.
    ';in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,,,'; Jn.1:1

    however: no it is not a time for that, christmas is a holy day for the merchants of babylon that they might appease their own god of greed and monetary gain.

    after studying the issue i'm inclined to think a Christian ought to celebrate Hanuka like any good Jew, because Hanuka is a celebration of light, of the light coming into the world, which is what the birth of Jesus is all about. And then continue in the Jewish tradition of giving ...

    anyway that's what i think...they ain't any of all of humanity gonna unite in that way...and that isn't a bad thing, child.
    Interesting that your question is listed under ';mythology and folklore';.
    Jesus is not a god.

    He was a son of God.

    Why would non-christians worship on a christian holliday?

    But it would be nice if christians stop insulting non-christians for a while, as a token of respect for the lesson that Jesus taught: love your neighbour..............
    No... it's about having a break from a job you hate .... drinking and eating too much... buying people gifts that you can't afford, spending time with family you don't like... There seems to be no CHRIST in CHRISTmas any more... hohoho... NOW can i PLEASE have a cookie???
    why would ';all religions'; do that? not all religions believe jesus is God or even the son of God.
    Not At all......How do you deduct Christian belief from others as the ONE true God???
    No i dont think so.. A lot of religions dont worship the same JESUS/GOD we born again christians do.. So i doubt they could all get together and worship as one.
    for some maybe
    not really..well at least for me
    Actually, for christians Jesus and God are the same.

    Christmas is the time when christians celebrate the birth of Jesus.

    Many people do not believe that Jesus is God.

    Muslims believe he was a prophet. Some people believe he was a good man with good ideas about how people should live.

    Many people do not believe that he existed, although it is a historical fact.

    I think you can say he was either mad or who he said he was, the son of God.

    I believe Jesus, son of the Father, born of Mary through the power of the Holy Spirit is God. (3 in one)

    Alleluia. Peace on earth good will to all people. Whether they believe or not.
    No. All races, yes; all religions, absolutely not! Most religions do not accept that Jesus is God! (In case you're wondering....I do!)
    Some religions belive theyre two differnt and anothers the same.

    And some don't belive in jesus at all. Just God. or A GOD. And give them different names. or have a profet or someone they worship as a God.

    Why can there be only One True Church, and why One, and why True? Is it because of it's founder, Jesus Christ?

    ONE CHURCH - Is there to be only one Church or many? According to Scripture, Christ wanted us to be one (John 17:22-23). We are all as a Church to be of one mind and to think the same (Philippians 2:2; Romans 15:5). There is only to be one ';faith'; (Ephesians 4:3-6), not many. For the Church is Christ's Body and Christ only had one Body, not many. Also, since the Church is Christ's Bride (Ephesians 5:29), can Christ be married to more than one wife (essentially a spiritual form of the the sin of polygamy)? No, Christ can only have one wife (i.e., one Church, not many).

    Every Christian believes that Jesus Christ established and sustains a community of faith, hope and love for all believers. This community we call His Church. The Church that Christ founded is the Catholic Church which has a formal earthly structure established by Christ and which continues under His authority and protection.

    Jesus did three things that established the framework of His Church. First, He chose humans to carry out His work. He appointed Peter to be the visible head of the Church. Jesus said to Peter, ';You are Rock and on this rock I will build my Church.'; (Matthew 16: 18) Jesus said ';build,'; as in to create a structure. Jesus built His structure on specifically chosen human beings Peter and the apostles.

    Second, Jesus gave Peter and the apostles the power and authority to carry out His work. ';Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven.';(Matthew 16:19; 18:18) ';Receive the Holy Spirit, whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven, whose sins you retain, they are retained.';(John 20:23)

    Third, Jesus gave Peter and the apostles commands as to what that work should be. At the last supper, He commanded, ';Do this in memory of Me.'; (Luke 22:19) He commanded them to ';Make disciples of all nations'; (Matthew 28:19), and to ';Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.'; (Mark 16:15)

    The Catholic Church is the only church that can claim to have been founded by Christ personally. Every other church traces its lineage back to a mere human person such as Martin Luther or John Wesley. The Catholic Church can trace its lineage back to Jesus Christ who appointed St. Peter as the first pope. This line of popes has continued unbroken for almost 2,000 years.

    God rules, instructs and sanctifies His people through His Church. Under her teaching office, the Catholic Church preserves the Word of God. She is the custodian, keeper, dispenser and interpreter of teachings of Christ. And she accomplishes this under the protection of the Holy Spirit.


    If we wish to locate the Church founded by Jesus, we need to locate the one that has the four chief marks or qualities of his Church. The Church we seek must be one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.

    The Church Is One (Rom. 12:5, 1 Cor. 10:17, 12:13, CCC 813–822)

    Jesus established only one Church, not a collection of differing churches (Lutheran, Baptist, Anglican, and so on). The Bible says the Church is the bride of Christ (Eph. 5:23–32). Jesus can have but one spouse, and his spouse is the Catholic Church.

    His Church also teaches just one set of doctrines, which must be the same as those taught by the apostles (Jude 3). This is the unity of belief to which Scripture calls us (Phil. 1:27, 2:2).

    Although some Catholics dissent from officially-taught doctrines, the Church’s official teachers—the pope and the bishops united with him—have never changed any doctrine. Over the centuries, as doctrines are examined more fully, the Church comes to understand them more deeply (John 16:12–13), but it never understands them to mean the opposite of what they once meant.

    The Church Is Holy (Eph. 5:25–27, Rev. 19:7–8, CCC 823–829)

    By his grace Jesus makes the Church holy, just as he is holy. This doesn’t mean that each member is always holy. Jesus said there would be both good and bad members in the Church (John 6:70), and not all the members would go to heaven (Matt. 7:21–23).

    But the Church itself is holy because it is the source of holiness and is the guardian of the special means of grace Jesus established, the sacraments (cf. Eph. 5:26).

    The Church Is Catholic (Matt. 28:19–20, Rev. 5:9–10, CCC 830–856)

    Jesus’ Church is called catholic (';universal'; in Greek) because it is his gift to all people. He told his apostles to go throughout the world and make disciples of ';all nations'; (Matt. 28:19–20).

    For 2,000 years the Catholic Church has carried out this mission, preaching the good news that Christ died for all men and that he wants all of us to be members of his universal family (Gal. 3:28).Why can there be only One True Church, and why One, and why True? Is it because of it's founder, Jesus Christ?
    It is because there is only one truth.

    The Catholic Church requires baptism, but not necessarily by immersion.

    The Baptist Church says baptism is not required, but when it is done it must be by immersion.

    Can both be right? Of course not!

    There is some measure of truth in every religion, however, therefore we Catholics say that we have ';the fullness of the truth';.

    Hope this helps.Why can there be only One True Church, and why One, and why True? Is it because of it's founder, Jesus Christ?
    Jesus only started one church (Matt 16:18), and he prayed that we all be united (see John 17:20-21: ';My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.';)

    Other people have started more than 30,000 fellowships, not by following Jesus' directions, but by ';protesting'; against Jesus' organization. These organizations usually have part of the truth, but they wear doctrinal blinders that won't allow them to consider evidence outside the Bible, or interpret key scriptures correctly, or recognize their limitations as scriptural interpreters 2000 years removed from the original documents.

    I'm not sure why anyone would try to follow Jesus by rejecting Jesus' church in favor of an organization protesting against Jesus' church.


    there can only be one truth, because God , who is one, taught one truth, One Lord, One baptism. The doctrines, teaching of the church, the traditions, are all from Jesus, and held in the catholic church for over 2 thousand years. There has been a pope for 2 thousand years, the sacraments, everything that Jesus died to give us, for our journey home to him, is in this one true church. Check inside for more salvation information.
    There was only to be ONE proper way of worshipping God. Think about it. Adam and Eve were getting direct instructions from their creator. It wasn't until after they disobeyed and things went arry that worship also strayed, reaching it's ';peak'; in more ways than one in the days of Nimrod. By then all kinds of unacceptable practices had crept into the worship fo God. When the people were dispersed, they took their worship with them.

    Again, why ONE? Imagine having five children. Would you set different house rules and so forth for each child. Would you allow one child to do things you wouldn't allow the others. Expect something from one or two that you don't expect from the others? It wouldn't make for a very peaceful household would it? And it's why we don't have a peaceful planet... at least one of the reasons.
    there is one true church....the body of belivers in christ jesus.....just dont happen to be the one you consider to be true.its not a literal place or organization.

    Ephesians 1:22 And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church,

    1:23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

    Colossians 1:18 And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.

    colossians 1:24 I now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ, for the sake of His body, which is the church,
    The principal evidence is in Matthew 16:13-20, not in a sermon but in a private teaching session with his disciples.

    When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, ';Who do people say the Son of Man is?';

    They replied, ';Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.';

    ';But what about you?'; he asked. ';Who do you say I am?';

    Simon Peter answered, ';You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.';

    Jesus replied, ';Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.'; Jesus established a human organization, the church, with Peter as its first leader. He protected it from the powers of hell. He gave ';keys to the kingdom,'; so that what the leaders of the church decide would be honored in heaven.

    Among the authorized decisions were to appoint new leaders, such as Matthias to replace Judas in Acts 1.

    History shows that this organization has an unbroken line of leadership dating back to Peter:

    The organization is very much alive today--the Catholic Church.
    because there is only god. its based on his gospel. there is only one gospel, the holy bible. he started the true church the day of pentecost.preached to the world by the apostles. see for a full explanation or you can e-mail me for questions!
    Yes......Jesus Christ started the One True Church..His followers are called the One True is not an organized religion.
    because there is only one truth...there cant be two truths. one will be a lie. Jesus Christ also Established ONE TRUE church. he didnt establish a whole bunch of churches and call them all true
    Do you mean which Church is true

    What does this mean to you-Messiah Jesus is the true lover of our soul? Im a Messianic Jew-saved by his grace!

    It means everything to me. My life My hope!

    You rock!What does this mean to you-Messiah Jesus is the true lover of our soul? Im a Messianic Jew-saved by his grace!
    Thanks for the ';best'; thinking about it.

    Report Abuse

    What does this mean to you-Messiah Jesus is the true lover of our soul? Im a Messianic Jew-saved by his grace!
    that you are a christian, and should stop deceiving people.

    there is no such thing as a jew who belives in jesus as the messiah.

    I encourage you to go to that site, and research, and try to find your way back to god.
    Welcome to the family =)
    Join Jews for Jesus.
    Lover...of our...soul? You people get freakier everyday. It means nothing, but it does make me feel a little bit...dirty. Let us sing.

    ';The Body of Christ!

    Sleek swimmer's body, all muscled up and toned!

    The Body of Christ!

    O, Lord Almighty, I wish I could call it my own!

    Lord Almighty oooooooooo, I must've been sellin' ties!

    Oh I wish I could have the body of Christ!

    The Body of Christ!

    The Body of Christ!

    The Body of Christ!

    Lord Almighty oooooooooo, I鈥檝e never been so enticed!

    Oh I wish I could have the body of Christ!';

    -Eric Theodore Cartman

    Quit touching my soul you dirty old man!
    Good deal. I have a friend that is too He's a great speaker..Frederick Schmidt.
    Good for you. Blessed be.
    Means nothing to me, but that's just me don't ya know? :)=

    You are a Christian. Stop this evil and deceptive form of missionizing. It degrades Christianity.;鈥?/a>

    . It is, by definition, impossible for it to be ';jewish'; to believe in jesus. ';Jewish'; is, by defintion, what jews have historically and contemporarily believe. Since in neither scenario do we find ';believing in jesus';, then we must clearly realize that belief in jesus is not something ';jewish';. You can call it ';biblical'; (and still be wrong), but certainly not ';jewish';.

    . On the side, the subject of Isaiah 53 is promised a ';long life'; and ';seed'; (i.e. physical children). Clearly this isn't about jesus.

    . And Isaiah 7 is clearly not messianic if you read the whole chapter. and ';alma'; doesn't mean virgin either. You'd know that if you spoke hebrew (I guess it wasn't part of your ';extensive jewish upbringing';, huh?)

    . On the side, Isaiah 9 can't be about jesus since, according to christianity, he's the ';son'; not the ';father'; (as the verse states). Nor did he have control of the government (to the contrary, the roman government killed him). And he certainly did not establish ';endless peace';.




    oh, and lastly, I've decided that you truly epitomize everything I find intensely intellectually unsatisfying about christianity. (And you clearly do not understand hebrew.)

    Jesus said his true folllowers will be no part of the world(John 15:19),?

    So why so many church goers and churches are so into politics?Jesus said his true folllowers will be no part of the world(John 15:19),?
    because the God of this world is Satan. therefore, Christians shall not be part of Satan. because Satan is the enemy of Jehova.Jesus said his true folllowers will be no part of the world(John 15:19),?
    I think he says it because when we die Jesus will come to us and give us a chance to go with him right then and there.

    I feel if we refuse then we will be trapped here on earth like all these other ghost stories we hear about all the time.
    All I know is God gave us 10 rules to follow and we can't even do this! And for churches to call soldiers heros and not speak of thou shall not murder well you know!
    Worldly ways, you mean?

    We are called to use our talents for the world but not to live a lifestyle like the world.
    More to the point, why do they exist at all?
    He went on to say that He is not asking the Father to take them out of the world as this will imply death. Christians have a responsibility to change the world. Being a part of the world means being conditioned by the worldy system and where politics is concerned--lying, corruption, empty promises etc. Note also that not all who call themselves christians are so. True christians are known of God and are directed by Him to participate in politics or otherwise
    the world meaning living in sin and partaking of the deception .. a christian can live untainted by the world and be in politics ... it doesnt mean crawl under a rock and hide from everything ....
    It will not be like this forever, just for now.
    It sounds to me like he only takes in dead people, or aliens.
    There is only one true church founded by Jesus and Peter was appointed to lead that church.
    ...Ask your Pastor...? get his ';take'; on politics... ummm? you might be going to the wrong ';place of worship';...? Umm?
    Jesus’ words proved true. Just a few weeks after his death, his apostles were arrested, threatened, and beaten. Shortly thereafter, zealous Stephen was dragged before the Jewish Sanhedrin and then was stoned to death. Later, the apostle James was executed by King Herod Agrippa I.  During his missionary journeys, Paul was persecuted at the instigation of Jews of the Diaspora. Acts 13:50

    How did the early Christians respond to such opposition? When, in the early days, the religious authorities forbade the apostles to preach in the name of Jesus, the apostles stated: “We must obey God as ruler rather than men.” This continued to be their attitude whenever opposition arose. Nevertheless, the apostle Paul counseled Christians in Rome to “be in subjection to the superior [governmental] authorities.” He also counseled them: “If possible, as far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with all men.” (Romans 12:18; 13:1) Hence, the early Christians had to strike a difficult balance. They obeyed God as their primary Ruler. At the same time, they were subject to national authorities and tried to live peaceably with all men.

    “Early Christianity was little understood and was regarded with little favor by those who ruled the pagan world, Christians refused to share certain duties of Roman citizens, They would not hold political office.” “They refused to take any active part in the civil administration or the military defence of the empire, It was impossible that the Christians, without renouncing a more sacred duty, could assume the character of soldiers, of magistrates, or of princes.” History of Christianity
    They're not supposed to be. Only supposed to respect the laws they enforce. You're right.
    ';Be in the world but not of it...'; yes the Bible does say that. But since politics effect everyone's life-- church goers and non church goers. It only stands to reason that we all be into politics. I think the Christians that were thrown to the lions in the first century would have LOVED to be involved in the politics of their day but they had no choice.
    LOL exactly!!!!!

    Politics and religion are in bed with each other...
    I guess because they are NOT his true followers.
    Because Jesus' true followers are dirty hippies who live in microvans.
    The saying';No part of the world'; means that they will not be a part of worldly things. Such as lust, greed, love of money, love of gold (jewelry)..... things that so many people love and put BEFORE God. That is the true meaning of pleasures of the world.
    tell me about it! but then again, those are NOT real christians. hehehe...
    religion is bull
    When Jesus said that - He meant that as ';true'; followers we need to be saved and while being save, go into the world and share His love but not be part of it as in go back to our old ways. When christians go into politics or school board members or such things - IF they have the Lord guiding their life and don't let satan pull them into corruption - they are trying to spread God's love and change the world FOR Christ. If as Christians we sit by and let Satan put all his people in power - where will the God's light be. Jesus told us to be the Light of the world. If Satan has all his people in every place of governing power making rules - whose to say murders bad - who said so in the first place - God. Who said stealing is bad - God. If satan has power over every high political place and as God's Light and Salt - we sit by because we think as Christians we have to be weaklings - the world will really start to go dark - if we think it's bad now, just wait. Jesus never said, we can't try and change the world. God sent His prophets to the Kings of Isreal to tell them what they were doing wasn't good and they need to change now or He was going to judge them. God loves the world and doesn't want any to perish.
    ';The world'; isn't referring to politics, or government. ';The world'; refers to society as a whole. It refers to the culture. So what John is saying is, just because everyone else is doing something doesn't mean you have to do it. Just because everyone else believes a certain way doesn't mean you have to agree with them. For example, the Bible says homosexuality is wrong, but popular culture wants you to believe that it's perfectly normal and there's nothing wrong with it. So the reason Christians are involved in politics is because they want to keep their kids on the right path. Some Christian parents fight in the public policy sphere against sex education classes that promote homosexuality in public schools. Other Christian parents fight for school vouchers so that they can afford to send their kids to private schools. Personally, I think that is the most logical solution, because then everybody wins, but the liberal education fascists seem the disagree. They are against school vouchers because that would lessen the number of young Americans that they would be able to influence in whatever way they choose.

    By the same token, Christians are involved in politics to protect their kids from pornography by putting internet filters on library computers and by marginalizing stores that sell pornography and other sexual paraphernalia through zoning.

    Christians are also in the fight to end abortion because they believe it is their duty to stand up for the rights of the helpless.
    Either the Church or politics is thier hobby.
    they like to show they are a christian but they are not really God knows our hearts.
    the verse is translated as that his disciples will go join spirtual world called ';heaven';. Saying that followers will not be part of the ';unsaved'; world. you are kinda bending the question a bit.

    no par tof the world : being saved

    part of the world: not being saved
    Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury.
    To keep and preserve what our founding fathers died for... God as a basis of trust %26amp; faith.
    I wonder that too.

    Straying from religious belief is bad, but straying from the truth is worse. I wonder what god would say.

    Religions are man made, so are the moral standards.
    Christians are just humans.
    Ignorance is Bliss. People are basically followers and when you have a preacher (wolf in sheep clothing) leading the flock, the results are Christians involved in politics.
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