Jesus? Because they believed Jesus Is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.
I have read that they do this today.Have Muslims ever killed true believers in Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, because they left Islam for?
Yup. It's in the news all the time. Jack Van Impe talks about this a lot.
It's sad, but also very honorable for the Christians who died. I would do it in a heartbeat. Never deny Jesus.Have Muslims ever killed true believers in Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, because they left Islam for?
Look, anyone that reads up on Islam KNOWS from the bottom of their heart that Islam believes in Jesus Christ as a man who spoke the truth on behalf of God.
Any properly educated Muslim would know that...hence..a properly educated muslim wudnt feel the need to change religions and become Christian because the Quran does no injustice to either Mary or Jesus.
It gives them the due respect they deserve, and says not a single bad word about them.
But it does not revere Jesus to the extent that it makes God look weak. Because God is more important than any human.
Hence to make God look like He has a son and He needed to save us all by sacrificing that son is a bias against God.
All God needs to do is say: I forgive u. and thats all there is to it.
He is that Great.
You are looking for a HUGE argument today Missy.....
Self satisfaction is toxic... I agree
In Islam there is no compulsion in religion. I have never killed anyone but thanks for the stereotypical, propaganda question that never gets old....
If anyone leaves Islam to join any other faith they are free to do so, who can stop them? No one. Example in point there are plenty here who claim to have left Islam to become Christians so either they where lying and where never Muslims or if they where are still breathing, writing and alive and well then what you ';read today'; holds no fact. You cant have it both ways.
PS dont believe everything you ';read'; ! I read Pamela Anderson was a great actress now is that a fact or an opinion?
yes and not just muslims either. Muhammad, the great prophet of Muslim and the author of the Koran wrote many times to kill and behead non believers and those who would not convert to Islam. Read the verses from the Koran below to gain greater insight into their religion.
';If they do not accept Islam, seize them and kill them wherever you find them.'; (K 4:89)
';Kill the infidels (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, seize them and lie in wait to ambush them. If they repent (convert to Islam) and give alms let them go.'; (K 9:5)
';When you (Muslims) encounter infidels (non-Muslims), behead them.'; (K 47:4)
';I (Allah) will terrorize the hearts of the infidels (non-Muslims). Behead them and cut off their fingers because they did not believe in Allah and his apostle (Mohammed). If anyone does not believe in Allah and his apostle, Allah has severe torment.'; (K 8:12,13)
All the time; happens a lot in places like Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia etc...
There is NO such thing as a true believer in ANY religion!!
Because what is believed, is NOT true!!!!
every judeo-xian religion has had some members kill other members for leaving.
BTW, Check out Deut to see how the xian god feels about that:
Deut 13:6-9 If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers;... thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people.
Most muslims don't kill anyone. Some extremist muslims kill all kinds of people. As do extremist christians.
Its been done since the the founding of the religion called Islam.
Pastor Art
You just tell me whom the Muslims did not kill in the name of Islam, not only others, but killed Muslims themselves in the names of many sects within Islam, Language, tribes and what not.
Leave alone others!
i think you are VERY interested in muslims today...
Jesus(PBUH*) is not a God or a ';son of'; God. Jesus(PBUH*) never said he was a God and never told his followers to worship him and his mother as Gods. ALLAH(SWT) is perfect and has no need for ';sons'; or partners.
yes they have
May be they did and probably do....but u have to understand this that their actions have nothing to do with islam, islam attributes the killing of one innocent person to the killing of the whole of humanity regardless of his or hers cast , creed , race or relegion, the ppl who do it are ignorant of the real islam, In the holy quran Allah says that even after much preaching they if they( the non-muslims) deny the truth, leave them , to them their deen(relegion) to you your deen, for they will not follow your path and you will not follow thier meaning we can co-exist in peace. Ppl from other relegions do that too, christians did that during the crusades , they probably do it even today but it isnt highlighted as the media only concentrates of the bad ppl in the islamic community,This kind of violence isnt attributed with only one group of ppl it happens everywhere among uneducated and ignorant ppl.
In islam the punishment for blasphemy has four options , either death penalty , cut of opposite limbs, exile him from the country , but in christianity there is only one option that is stone him to death, it is ordered in the bible that even the passer by should stone that person to death.
Note: For this question u might see a lot of ppl posting quotations of the Holy quran saying things that might seem like it is ordering the mass killings of non-muslims, but all have been put out of context, most of those verses talk about if u r in a state of war, or there is a perfectly logical reason to it, Many ppl get those verses from anti-islamic websites and just post it without doing any research. Hope this helps.Peace!!!
Many critics of Islam qoute the following verse saying it justifies killing of people just because they are non Muslims:
If they do not accept Islam, seize them and kill them wherever you find them.'; (K 4:89)
';Kill the infidels (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, seize them and lie in wait to ambush them. If they repent (convert to Islam) and give alms let them go.'; (K 9:5)
';When you (Muslims) encounter infidels (non-Muslims), behead them.'; (K 47:4)
However, whenever you qoute, you must always look at the context. People dont know that this verse was revealed in the battlefield, and not for those sitting in their homes.
What will you expect the commander of an army to tell his soldeirs when they are in the heat of the moment??
Therefore, I say that all those muslims and non Muslims who have no proper knowledge of islam must forst READ THE SCRIPTURE- THATS NOT HARD BECAUSE THERES ONLY ONE MAIN ONE- THATS THE QURAN.
Whats the use of just spreading false things and rumours?
How are you benefitting anyone in the process of maligning a faith or its followers??
You're probably not looking for this answer, but you need to be aware that Christians have done more than their share of killing for their ';Son of the Living God.';
Slaughtered 75-100 million people over 1,200 years in the Inquisition.
The entire Aztec civilization and their written history was wiped out in the name of Christianity.
The library in Alexandria was burned (Egypt) and much history of the ancients were lost to us forever.
This was done in the name of Christ.
And just to let you know, no I am not Muslim. I am Christian.
I just believe that when the Bible tells us ';thou shalt not kill';, that's what it mans. It does not say ';thou shalt not kill except to convert';.
It also says, ';Judge not lest ye be judged';.
I'm sorry to say I don't see many of any religion living by that one.
You cannot convert from islam. It's not just those that convert to christianity.
There was this Man in Afghanistan who started reading the Bible, and it was reported that the People wanted a '; Public Hanging';..Whether this man Understood what he was Reading one cannot say, but what is clear is that they Wanted this individual wiped off the face of the Earth for '; about being barbaric.
You are referring to 'apostasy', the leaving or renouncing of a religion.
In Islam, this is a serious offense, one that is punishable by death. Though other religions are generally tolerated, anyone who follows Islam and later renounces the faith has committed a crime punishable by death.
Jesus said we would be hated for HIM. Praise the LORD.
You will get loads of answers that you were looking for..Self satisfaction is a kind of intoxicant
Either we like it or not , it is happening in some Muslim majority countries. Being an apostates of Islam is like being sentenced to death. Even if an apostate was not killed ( as per se ) he would have been emotionally killed by being ostracized by the society ( including his/her family members ). Due to these many Muslims who have left either for Christianity or any other religions have chosen to live in closet. Only the strongest ones are able to survive when they announced their apostasy
yes they do
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