Sunday, February 7, 2010

Heard that d Quran follow the Old.T but not New.T. why? And y they dun believe prophesies abt Jesus are true?

When Muhammad began his cult in the 7th century, he included aspects of Judaism and Christianity to give the cult an air of legitimacy. His fellow citizens of Mecca recognized him for the con man he was and sent him into exile. Unfortunately, the citizens of Medina were not as astute and fell for his con. He then returned to murder the citizens of Mecca who refused to join his cult.Heard that d Quran follow the Old.T but not New.T. why? And y they dun believe prophesies abt Jesus are true?
Because they are still waiting for the Mesiah, and refuse to believe. He was not recognized when Jesus walked the earth even though all the prophesy of Jesus' coming and teachings and tribulations and so forth were accomplished they still don't have eyes to see and ears to hear. Jesus taught in the Synagogue's first, and when God's chosen rebuked and refused to believe him (witnessed by the cucifiction of Christ, it is them who crucified Him, as prophecied, they refuse to believe it.) They will have no choice but to believe once he comes with all His angels and it great glory to establish the KIngdom of Our Father here on earth. God BlessHeard that d Quran follow the Old.T but not New.T. why? And y they dun believe prophesies abt Jesus are true?
For the same reason millions of Jews and Muslims don't accept Jesus.
The koran and the old testament are apples and oranges, all the koran does is remove Issac as the heir of the covenant of god and replace him with ishmael
If the Old T. = Old Testament, you are mistaken.

The Old Testament is the law of God. The New Testament is the grace of God through Jesus Christ.

Your salvation can be sealed if you will give your heart to Jesus. Salvation is free, it is a gift from the living's called grace and mercy.

May you find the grace of the living God and His Son Jesus!
if they accepted the prophecies about Jesus,they would realize the inadaquicies of their religion
The Quran does not ';follow'; the Old Testament, but they respect it as another holy book that may have some good ideas in it.

Some Islamic sects treat the New Testament that way. However, most parts of the NT are largely adamant about Jesus being the Messiah, and there's not much left in there without that belief (since Muslims come to the same conclusion as Jews, that Jesus was just another prophet and teacher).
Wrong. The Quran follows nothing of Gods word.
They don't believe in the Divinity of Jesus.

The Quran is a mix of the Old Testament along with Christian Heretical teachings and whatever else Muhammad needed or wanted at the time also got added.

We don't follow both. We follow the Koran.

Yes, we do believe Jesus received revelations from God.

Yes, we do believe in Old Testament figures such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Moses.

It is because all of these, that's right, even Jesus, is mentioned in the Koran.

And no, the Koran is not the Old or New testament.
The Qur'an doesn't fallow anything in the Bible. One example is Surah 47:1-7 is not comparable to 1 Corinthians 13.

Jehovah said vengence is mine, I will recompense while the Pagan moon God was thought to have said to kill people that are not of the Islamic faith.

all i can say
Qur'an is a revised message. Old Testament and New Testament embeded in Qur'an in its original form.

What prophecies you are talking about?

Jesus raised to heaven alive. Second coming of Jesus.

The Sunnis who are the main sectarian faction of Islam do believe these prophecies which according to Qur'an are not true.
Right and Wrong. The Quran is the word of God dictated to the prophet Muhammed, peace be upon him.

Muslims hold sacred also the Toran which is the Jewish book that is also the first 5 books of the Bible (Old Testament).

Muslims also hold sacred the Gospel of Jesus. Muslims consider Jesus to be another prophet of God. Muslims also hold sacred the Psalms of King David. So you see that Muslims recognize Jesus as a prophet that they respect and also recognize some New and some Old Testament writings. The Bible has different version e.g. King James etc. Sowhich Bible is the Bible to believe fully. The BIble is a compilation for writings down over many years and even centuries. and how much was left out by editors of the time. The Quran is the word of God passed to man over a limited amount of time and viewed by Muslims as the word of God that they want to follow most closely.
Religion is hilarious! There is no 'right way' to go, people. You can learn things from all 3 books and apply them to your world. Do you really think that your god, if he is as great as you believe him to be, will punish another truly good and moral person simply for believing the wrong book?

My thought is that, if you lead a good and moral life, care for others and yourself, and leave this world a better place than you entered it, 'god' or whatever you want to call it, will acknowledge that and treat you accordingly.

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