Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Jehovah's Witnesses: What is your take on whether Jesus is a true God or a false god?

I know that JW's New World Translation staes in John 1:1 that Jesus is '; a god ';. So if Jehovah is one true God, is Jesus a false god?

How do you see it?Jehovah's Witnesses: What is your take on whether Jesus is a true God or a false god?
As the Bible calls all other gods false gods then your reasoning is accurate. I have had this discussion with JW's before and they, as usual, are unable to offer any biblical answer, only reasoning on the scriptures; reasoning, I might add, that comes from the Watchtower society and is clearly flawed. The scriptures clearly state that there is no other true God other than Jehovah/Jesus. Deuteronomy 32:39 ';See now, that I - I am he. And there are NO OTHER Gods together with me.'; JW's teach that Jesus was a god, Jesus stated several times that before he came to earth he was with his Father, therefore either this verse is a lie, or JW's reason wrongly. They claim that Jehovah created Jesus (a god) and yet Isaiah 42:10 says ';Before me there was no there God formed, and AFTER ME there continued to be none.'; Isaiah 44:6 ';I am the first and the I am the last, and besides me there is NO OTHER God.'; They also teach, that as a god, Jesus created the heavens and the earth, John :2-3 ';This one was in the beginning with God. All things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one thing came into existence.'; Isaiah 44:24 says different ';I, Jehovah, am doing everything, stretching out the heavens BY MYSELF, laying out the earth. WHO WAS WITH ME.'; Therefore by JW's own reasoning Jesus is a false god, or, their reasoning, as said before is seriously flawed. They continually point to Jesus's many references to God being greater than he etc, however, fail to grasp the very simple concept that whist Jesus was incarnate in the flesh he WAS inferior to his father, for how can a fleshly man be equal to God, and, whilst he was incarnate that is ALL he was, a fleshly man.

Keiichi: The Bride of Christ would not teach such terrible falsehoods as the leaders of the JW organisation have done since the late 1800's. Are we really to expect that Jesus' bride would tell it's followers such ridiculous things as 'vaccinations are against Gods natural law', thereby possibly condeming children to illness and even death; or that accepting an organ trasplant is 'cannabilism'; allowing peope to die, only years later to overturn that decision; or to deny many people blood transfusion, again causing death, and again, years later, changing the decision and allowing components of blood (still taken from human blood). What hypocrisy.Jehovah's Witnesses: What is your take on whether Jesus is a true God or a false god?

Can you explain why at Psalms 82:1, God is described as being amongst ';gods';? There the Divine One (Jehovah God) is distinguished from human judges whom the psalmist terms “gods.” Are these false gods? No, just like Jesus is not a false god just because he's not the true God almighty.

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The word “God” or “god” is commonly used regarding a superhuman object of veneration. Thus, in the minds of many people, “god” means either (1) the Supreme Being, the Almighty, or (2) a false god, such as an idol.

HOWEVER, the Bible allows for other usage.

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I am only human, and prone to sin. I try/ really work at NOT going off onIDIOTS here @ Y/A's but, I gotta! say!


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And ur ignorant!

YOU are an Enemy of God!

You better watch out!

He will Get YOU!!

Ya igit!!

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And u r an anus, everything comin out of your mouth is garbage!- feces! fecal matter!!

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--JESUS IS SIMPLY both ';the only begotten son'; %26amp; ';the only begotten god'; the one %26amp; only created directly by Jehovah God:

(John 1:14) “. . .So the Word became flesh and resided among us, and we had a view of his glory, a glory such as belongs to an only-begotten son from a father; and he was full of undeserved kindness and truth..... .18 No man has seen God at any time; the only-begotten god who is in the bosom [position] with the Father is the one that has explained him.”

--JESUS(MICHAEL)AS THE VERY first angel created %26amp; as the ';master worker';--creating the other angels(gods or godlike ones):

(Proverbs 8:25-31) “25 Before the mountains themselves had been settled down, ahead of the hills, I was brought forth as with labor pains, 26 when as yet he had not made the earth and the open spaces and the first part of the dust masses of the productive land. 27 When he prepared the heavens I was there; when he decreed a circle upon the face of the watery deep....';

--(Psalm 8:5) “. . .You also proceeded to make him a little less than godlike ones, And with glory and splendor you then crowned him.”

*** it-2 pp. 556-557 Only-begotten ***

The angels of heaven are sons of God even as Adam was a “son of God.” (Ge 6:2; Job 1:6; 38:7; Lu 3:38) But the Lo′gos, later called Jesus, is “the only-begotten Son of God.” (Joh 3:18) He is the only one of his kind, the only one whom God himself created directly without the agency or cooperation of any creature. He is the only one whom God his Father used in bringing into existence all other creatures. He is the firstborn and chief one among all other angels (Col 1:15, 16; Heb 1:5, 6), which angels the Scriptures call “godlike ones” or “gods.” (Ps 8:4, 5) Therefore, according to some of the oldest and best manuscripts, the Lord Jesus Christ is properly described as “the only-begotten god [Gr., mo·no·ge·nes′ the·os′].”—Joh 1:18, NW, Ro, Sp.

--NO HE IS NOT a false god , BECAUSE HE NEVER accepted any worship that belonged to Jehovah, ';the only true God';, as he told Mary Magdalene of whom both worshipped:

--(John 20:17-18) “. . .7 Jesus said to her: “Stop clinging to me. For I have not yet ascended to the Father. But be on your way to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and YOUR Father and to my God and YOUR God.’” 18 Mary Mag′da·lene came and brought the news to the disciples: “I have seen the Lord!” and that he said these things to her.”

--THAT IS not only how I see it , BUT how the Bible presents it!
Contrary to your belief about John 17:3, the context excludes Jesus from being the only true or real God, because the Real God sent Jesus forth.

If Fred sent Joe, then Joe can not be Fred.

If Fred has the power to send Joe, then Joe can not be equal to Fred.

Where in the bible does it say there are only True Gods and False Gods?

This is a weak trinitiarn misquote of scripture.

The bible actually lists three types of Gods / gods.

the simple definition of the word God is 'Mighty One'

How many Mighty Ones are in the bible?

1) Jehovah the only true God

(the expression true God appears in the bible some 460 times and only applies to Jehovah)

Whereas the word God / god appears in the bilble some 5800 times and also applies to Satan, food, money, and Baal.

2) These gods or Gods are false Gods because people worship them.

the third type of God / god Mighty One mentioned in the bible

are those called God but are not the true God Jehovah.

3) These include

Moses (Ex 7:1)

The angel of Jehovah (Judges 13:21,22)

The human judges (Ps 82:6)

Jesus (John 1:1)

This last group become false Gods only if you worship them.

In English what is wrong with this sentence?

In the beginning was the Spokesman, the Spokesman was with the Mighty One, the Spokesman was Mighty One.

Remember be honest in you answer.

Footnote from the NAB for Jn 1:1:

';Was God: lack of a definite article with ';God'; in Greek signifies predication rather than identification. ';

Predication is a big word meaning ';quality'; thus God(2) is a quality and NOT AN IDENTIFICATION.

Jesus has the quality of God not Jesus is the God.

John at Rev 1:6 makes it very clear his belief about the godship of Jesus:

';who has made us into a kingdom, priests for his God and Father,';

Who is the God and Father of Jesus?

It is the trinitiarns who have turned Jesus into a false God, because they insist on worshipping the Son.

According to one regular ';God cannot lie';

Thus when Jehovah said ';This is my Son'; I believe him.

The only Scripture which refers to ';the only true God'; makes it incredibly obvious that Jesus is a person distinct from ';the only true God';!

(John 17:3) This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.

Since Jesus (the Son) was ';sent forth'; on an assignment from ';the only true God';, the two cannot be the same person. Interestingly, the verse even teaches that God is superior to Jesus (since Jesus the Son directs prayer to and performs the work assigned by God the Father).

Meanwhile, it is sad when anti-Witnesses imply that Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jesus to be ';false';.

None of the Scriptures which have been translated to refer to Jehovah as ';true'; actually uses a term which is strictly an antonym of ';false';. Instead, in both Hebrew and Greek the terms convey the sense of being an ';absolute'; or ';genuine'; god in comparison with other so-called ';gods';. Almighty Jehovah has no peer among so-called ';gods'; such as Baal and Molech, Zeus and Jupiter.

Interestingly, the Scriptures nine times refer to Jehovah as ';the true Lord';. Yet the word ';lord'; is used dozens of times in reference to kings, dignitaries, masters, angels, and (of course) Jesus Christ. Would this questioner pretend that all of these ';lords'; must be ';false'; or else also be part of a single mysterious multi-personalitied ';true Lord';?

Learn more:………………………
One of the most important words in John 17:3 is the word ';AND.'; From the KJV: ';And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, %26gt;%26gt;AND%26lt;%26lt; Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.';

Here Jesus makes it clear the ';the only true God'; is an entity other than himself.

Yet in John 1:1 we read that he is either ';God'; or ';a god'; depending on your translation.

It is not the Witnesses of Jehovah who inspired these two passages to be written; it was Jehovah himself. Additionally, it was Jesus who was speaking in John 17:3.

Therefore, anyone who has a problem with the facts as presented in the Bible has a problem, not with Jehovah's Witnesses, but with the Jehovah himself, as well as Jesus.
This is an interesting question and it comes up from time to time. Thank you for the opportunity to provide a response.

Jesus is neither a false god nor the true God. Jesus himself referred to his heavenly father as the only true God. Thus, we read at John 17:3 in the King James Version: ';And this is life eternal, that they might know THEE THE ONLY TRUE GOD, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.';

But scripture does refer to Jesus as a god, or if you steadfastly prefer, God. So what type? Well, what do we read at Hebrews 1:3? According to the NIV, we read: ';The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact REPRESENTATION of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.'; Notice where this exact representation sat down: at the right hand of the Majesty. Who is the majesty?

Jesus is the EXACT representation of God's very being. Jesus reflects God in every way, just as we expect a faithful son to do. An exact reflection, however, is not the same as what is being reflected. When you look in the mirror, do you see your reflection? Is that reflection you? No. But it is a faithful representation. Jesus is the reflection of God's glory, but God is the source of that glory.

Jesus is most assuredly not a false god. Neither is he the true God. He is as Paul described him at 1 Corinthians 8:6; ';Yet for us there is BUT ONE GOD, THE FATHER, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.'; Notice the distinction between the two.

That one can be described scripturally as a god and yet be neither a false one nor the true God is readily apparent from a consideration of God's own words at Exodus 4:16 where God told Moses that Moses would be god to his brother, Aaron. At Psalm 82:1, and 6, God described humans as gods. Jesus verified the truth of this at John 10:34. Neither God nor Jesus said that these were false.

If now God acknowledges the existence of others whom he himself calls gods, and they were not false, who am I to contradict him?

Hannah J Paul
Jesus a true God? At John 17:3, he called his Father THE ONLY TRUE GOD! How many true Gods is that? ONE!

The Bible calls Satan a god. 2 Cor:4:4. Imperfect human judges were called gods. Ps. 83:18

Jesus is a god, ';god'; meaning mighty one. But he is not a rival to his Father like Satan is. That's why Satan is a false god, but Jesus isn't.
If we should see, for example, someone being called the `TRUE prophet', that should mean that the person so described is TRULY a prophet. In either case this certainly does not have to mean that all other prophets must be FALSE. Even if it was said that this one was the ';ONLY true Prophet,'; we would probably consider him the ONLY prophet in the HIGHEST of the word, but that still would not make ALL other prophets of God FALSE prophets.

For God to say that he is the TRUE God does not demand that ALL others called `god' or `gods' are FALSE gods as a few trinitarian apologists imply. The inspired scriptures when speaking of FAITHFUL angels, prophets, God-appointed judges, kings, and magistrates clearly calls them ';gods'; on occasion. These are called ';gods'; in the sense of faithful servants of God, representing the true God.

At John 17:1, 3 Jesus prays to the Father: ';FATHER, .... this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.'; - New International Version (NIV). Here the Father ALONE is not only very clearly identified as the only true God, but Jesus Christ is again pointedly and specifically EXCLUDED from that identification (';AND Jesus Christ whom YOU [the only true God] have sent';).

Notice how this respected trinitarian Bible has rendered John 17:1, 3 - ';FATHER,....This is eternal life: to know thee WHO ALONE art truly God, AND Jesus Christ whom THOU hast sent.'; - New English Bible (NEB).

So, the title ';the TRUE God'; does not have to mean that there are no others who may be called ';gods'; or ';a god'; in a subordinate but righteous sense. It is, however, an EXCLUSIVE title for God, the Most High, only true God, Jehovah. And clearly it refers EXCLUSIVELY to the FATHER. No one else is the God or the True God. (Compare Ps. 86:10; 2 Kings 19:19; Is. 37:16.)'; -RDB
they see Jesus as the son of god
Jesus is a true god.

What is so difficult to understand?

I just don't get it; why u keep asking??

I'm puzzled.

Oh I read the details...sorry about that.

U said ';So if Jehovah is one true God,

is Jesus a false god?';

Yes, Jehovah is the one true God.

And No, Jesus is Not a false god.

Jesus is a god.

He is not ';The God.';

Wanted 2 answer all ur Q's.
Jesus is the son of God almighty, the saviour or ransom , the bible says that God almigthy (Jehovah ) is among other gods (Psalms 82:1)

Are you suggesting that God almighty is among evil gods?

Are you crazy telling that God has evil association?

What you are suggesting? be careful you are playing with fire... suggesting that that gods mentioned in the bible in Psalms are false gods, cause our lord Jesus was among in fact the first of that group of mighty gods.
Jesus is a true God because He is the Son of God

It is good if the False Jehovah witness have concluded that Jesus is God. Anyway even in the original bible before changing the translation in John 1:1 to 5, it is very clear that it was stated that Jesus is God.

Tnaks to God they have at last realize their mistake. Congratulations Jehovah witnesses. Line Dancer congratulations.

Such questions arise out of a profound ignorance of basic Bible truths.

Tragically, millions of Trinity-indoctrinated Bible readers have apparently stumbled over the first letter of the alphabet and have never advanced past the opening verse of the gospel of John—or, if they have, they are incapable of reasoning correctly. For if they had gone beyond the 1st verse, they would have discovered that numerous places in the gospel of John, Jesus Christ refers to the Father, Jehovah, as his God and Life-giver.

For example, at John 17:3, Jesus was speaking to God in prayer and he referred to him as ';the only true God.'; In the 5th verse, Jesus asked his Father to glorify him. So, it is obvious that Jesus' glory is a result of Jehovah glorifying him and it was not something that Jesus naturally possessed or took upon himself as would a demonic false god—as is wrongly suppose.

Another example is found at John 5:26, where Jesus said: ';Just as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted also to the Son to have life in himself.'; In other words Jehovah, the Ever-living immortal God, granted Jesus the gift of immortality.

Obviously, if Jesus is given immortal life by God, and evidently the ability to also confer life upon others, reasoning people can grasp the fact that even though Jesus possesses God-like powers, Jesus is himself ultimately beholden to God Almighty as his Creator and Life-giver. Thus, the text clarifies that, while Jesus is a god, he is not the God. In the original Greek, that is the thought conveyed at John 1:1.

Again, the apostle John indicates the true relationship between the Father and the Son at John 20:17. After Jesus was resurrected by Jehovah, Christ instructed Mary to go tell the disciples: ';I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to my God and your God.'; If Jesus has a deity whom he recognizes and worships as his personal God, and it is self-evident that Jesus is not the object of his own reverence, then, again, reasoning minds can grasp the simple truth that Jesus is not God.

Despite the chicanery apparent in Trinitarian-influenced Bible versions, the simple truth is that at no time did Jesus Christ ever declare himself to be God. Instead, Jesus plainly and straightforwardly said that he was God's Son and that he himself also worshipped Jehovah God and was obedient to him.

So, the question really is: Why do so many people allow themselves to be so easily duped into believing the fraud that Jesus is Jehovah? Is it because, as Jesus said of the Jews, who similarly refused to recognize the truth about Christ:

';I well know that you do not have the love of God in you';?
Pigeons in London have long been observed hitching rides on the subway with earthbound commuters, reports New Scientist magazine. Additionally, some people claim that the birds even know at which stop they should get off. Following an invitation by the magazine, a number of readers wrote to tell about their own experiences with the feathered travelers. One man, for example, wrote: “During 1974-76, I regularly encountered a single pigeon of light reddish colouring boarding the underground at Paddington and disembarking at the next station.”
JW's do not believe in the trinity. therein lies the contradiction. They state that there is only one true God, God the father Jeh**a, and yet they have to accommodate for the many times Christ claims to be the son of man, also the son of God, and has directly implied (without a doubt) that he is God and one with the Father. So he is made to be a lesser God rather than deal with the hard to understand idea of the trinity. However, the New World Translation they use is corrupt and a tool of the watchtower to get them to believe ridiculous things. They are not encouraged to question their religion or their authorities at all.
Jesus Christ is not a God, but he is the son of the true God, Jehovah God.
Have you heard of the TRINITY?
How did I know that that was going to be your next question? Oh that is right, I am you and you are me...LOL

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