because the God of this world is Satan. therefore, Christians shall not be part of Satan. because Satan is the enemy of Jehova.Jesus said his true folllowers will be no part of the world(John 15:19),?
I think he says it because when we die Jesus will come to us and give us a chance to go with him right then and there.
I feel if we refuse then we will be trapped here on earth like all these other ghost stories we hear about all the time.
All I know is God gave us 10 rules to follow and we can't even do this! And for churches to call soldiers heros and not speak of thou shall not murder well you know!
Worldly ways, you mean?
We are called to use our talents for the world but not to live a lifestyle like the world.
More to the point, why do they exist at all?
He went on to say that He is not asking the Father to take them out of the world as this will imply death. Christians have a responsibility to change the world. Being a part of the world means being conditioned by the worldy system and where politics is concerned--lying, corruption, empty promises etc. Note also that not all who call themselves christians are so. True christians are known of God and are directed by Him to participate in politics or otherwise
the world meaning living in sin and partaking of the deception .. a christian can live untainted by the world and be in politics ... it doesnt mean crawl under a rock and hide from everything ....
It will not be like this forever, just for now.
It sounds to me like he only takes in dead people, or aliens.
There is only one true church founded by Jesus and Peter was appointed to lead that church.
...Ask your Pastor...? get his ';take'; on politics... ummm? you might be going to the wrong ';place of worship';...? Umm?
Jesus’ words proved true. Just a few weeks after his death, his apostles were arrested, threatened, and beaten. Shortly thereafter, zealous Stephen was dragged before the Jewish Sanhedrin and then was stoned to death. Later, the apostle James was executed by King Herod Agrippa I. During his missionary journeys, Paul was persecuted at the instigation of Jews of the Diaspora. Acts 13:50
How did the early Christians respond to such opposition? When, in the early days, the religious authorities forbade the apostles to preach in the name of Jesus, the apostles stated: “We must obey God as ruler rather than men.” This continued to be their attitude whenever opposition arose. Nevertheless, the apostle Paul counseled Christians in Rome to “be in subjection to the superior [governmental] authorities.” He also counseled them: “If possible, as far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with all men.” (Romans 12:18; 13:1) Hence, the early Christians had to strike a difficult balance. They obeyed God as their primary Ruler. At the same time, they were subject to national authorities and tried to live peaceably with all men.
“Early Christianity was little understood and was regarded with little favor by those who ruled the pagan world, Christians refused to share certain duties of Roman citizens, They would not hold political office.” “They refused to take any active part in the civil administration or the military defence of the empire, It was impossible that the Christians, without renouncing a more sacred duty, could assume the character of soldiers, of magistrates, or of princes.” History of Christianity
They're not supposed to be. Only supposed to respect the laws they enforce. You're right.
';Be in the world but not of it...'; yes the Bible does say that. But since politics effect everyone's life-- church goers and non church goers. It only stands to reason that we all be into politics. I think the Christians that were thrown to the lions in the first century would have LOVED to be involved in the politics of their day but they had no choice.
LOL exactly!!!!!
Politics and religion are in bed with each other...
I guess because they are NOT his true followers.
Because Jesus' true followers are dirty hippies who live in microvans.
The saying';No part of the world'; means that they will not be a part of worldly things. Such as lust, greed, love of money, love of gold (jewelry)..... things that so many people love and put BEFORE God. That is the true meaning of pleasures of the world.
tell me about it! but then again, those are NOT real christians. hehehe...
religion is bull
When Jesus said that - He meant that as ';true'; followers we need to be saved and while being save, go into the world and share His love but not be part of it as in go back to our old ways. When christians go into politics or school board members or such things - IF they have the Lord guiding their life and don't let satan pull them into corruption - they are trying to spread God's love and change the world FOR Christ. If as Christians we sit by and let Satan put all his people in power - where will the God's light be. Jesus told us to be the Light of the world. If Satan has all his people in every place of governing power making rules - whose to say murders bad - who said so in the first place - God. Who said stealing is bad - God. If satan has power over every high political place and as God's Light and Salt - we sit by because we think as Christians we have to be weaklings - the world will really start to go dark - if we think it's bad now, just wait. Jesus never said, we can't try and change the world. God sent His prophets to the Kings of Isreal to tell them what they were doing wasn't good and they need to change now or He was going to judge them. God loves the world and doesn't want any to perish.
';The world'; isn't referring to politics, or government. ';The world'; refers to society as a whole. It refers to the culture. So what John is saying is, just because everyone else is doing something doesn't mean you have to do it. Just because everyone else believes a certain way doesn't mean you have to agree with them. For example, the Bible says homosexuality is wrong, but popular culture wants you to believe that it's perfectly normal and there's nothing wrong with it. So the reason Christians are involved in politics is because they want to keep their kids on the right path. Some Christian parents fight in the public policy sphere against sex education classes that promote homosexuality in public schools. Other Christian parents fight for school vouchers so that they can afford to send their kids to private schools. Personally, I think that is the most logical solution, because then everybody wins, but the liberal education fascists seem the disagree. They are against school vouchers because that would lessen the number of young Americans that they would be able to influence in whatever way they choose.
By the same token, Christians are involved in politics to protect their kids from pornography by putting internet filters on library computers and by marginalizing stores that sell pornography and other sexual paraphernalia through zoning.
Christians are also in the fight to end abortion because they believe it is their duty to stand up for the rights of the helpless.
Either the Church or politics is thier hobby.
they like to show they are a christian but they are not really God knows our hearts.
the verse is translated as that his disciples will go join spirtual world called ';heaven';. Saying that followers will not be part of the ';unsaved'; world. you are kinda bending the question a bit.
no par tof the world : being saved
part of the world: not being saved
Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury.
To keep and preserve what our founding fathers died for... God as a basis of trust %26amp; faith.
I wonder that too.
Straying from religious belief is bad, but straying from the truth is worse. I wonder what god would say.
Religions are man made, so are the moral standards.
Christians are just humans.
Ignorance is Bliss. People are basically followers and when you have a preacher (wolf in sheep clothing) leading the flock, the results are Christians involved in politics.
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