Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Do these ';SOC'; users actually follow the true teachings of Jesus (as)?

It seems that they all have come to raid the Ramdan section, insult our religion, and still claim that they follow Jesus (as), when Jesus (as) taught kindness. But these guys are trying to convert us. Do they have nothing better to do?Do these ';SOC'; users actually follow the true teachings of Jesus (as)?
A couple of the christian answerers say we are hypocrites for saying such a thing. We Muslims are not saying that these SOC users are bad for trying to talk about their religion, but they are doing it in an unbiased, violent, and arrogant way. Yet it is hard for them to acknowledge it.Do these ';SOC'; users actually follow the true teachings of Jesus (as)?
I am sure they are a diverse bunch too, some using the right tactics, some not. People are people. That makes them no different from Muslims, though, as some Muslims use the right tactics and some do not.

I'm a Soldier of Christ too and a Muslim, so what does that say?

What do you mean they are trying to convert you? Convert you to what? Islam recognizes Jesus as the Christ. Maybe you should take the opportunity they are providing to you to educate them about Islam. What's that saying, ';don't look a gift horse in the mouth';? That means to not reject the opportunities and gifts Allah is giving you even if they do not appear to be perfect at first or exactly what you want. Allah knows best.
Yes they do. They are telling the truth and you just don't want to hear it. Did Jesus ever say not to preach His Name? No. Didn't Jesus tell people what was right and what was wrong? Yes. Didn't Jesus throw the money lenders out of the temple because of their actions? Absolutely! Did Jesus tell a mob not to stone a woman to death unless they were without sin? Yep. Seems Our Lord was in your face with The Truth!

When's the last time you told a Christian the Bible was corrupt or that Jesus is Not the Son of God? How many Jews or pagans have you told about Hell if they didn't accept Allah and Muhammad? Islam is an insult to ALL religions.

Please stop being a hypocrite. Oh, you should also stop being a coward and unblock people, lol.
Mark SOC summed it up very well.

However, you sound scared. Maybe they are actually reaching you and that is what you are terrified of. How many people have you blocked so they can't reach you?

Nobody is trying to convert you but want you to know that Jesus Christ loves you - no matter how hard to try to run away and hide.

Accept him into your life.
Christians love you enough to tell it like it is. An important part of Christianity is teaching and spreading the Gospel of Christ, to plant a seed. God makes it grow. You don't have to accept or even listen. That choice is yours. It's just such a shame you made the wrong choice. I guess that's an insult to you. Please tell me, don't you think I made the wrong choice too? That doesn't insult me one bit. My faith is strong. Why isn't yours?
';How terrible it will be for you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to make a single convert, and when this happens you make him twice as fit for hell as you are.';

The Golden Rule is lost on them.

May Allah swt guide them.
Which ones are you reffering to? They are trying to convert you to save your soul! I'm sure they don't mean to sound insulting etc.

I agree with Mark (SOS) the Holy Spirit does the real converting. And on here people do often say the Bible is corrupt etc.
I think none would've summed it up for you than how Mark did. Yes, we have better things to do - defend our faith from haters and skeptics and in turn, expose their lies and traps to light.
Yer right - some of these SOC people really are scary.

'Islam is a sin'

Oh dear.

Sometimes I think you can only pray for people.

Talking to them can be counter productive.
I don't know. I just ignore them now. I answered one of Debbi's questions once but I probably won't ever again. I don't think they want to hear what I say and I don't feel comfortable joking with them either.
';Judge not lest ye be judged'; (Matt. 7:1)

That says it all.

Then again people make mistakes never know.
What is SOC?

Santas Over Canada?

Sugababes On Crusade?

Sisters Of Cornbread?

everyone needs a hobby ...thats all im gonna say

No. Did you happen to read our cause and objective?

We're literally sick of the lies and insults thrown towards Christians, Christianity and the Bible. We're sick of being called names and our Bible being corrupted and stuff. Now we're to DEFEND our faith. No body is forcing you to convert. If you're willing, we're glad to help, but no body here is pushy or shoving down our faith in your throats.

We're not trying to convert you. Christians do not believe people convert people - it is GOD who converts people. It is the work of the Holy Spirit. If we dislike Islam, then it doesn't mean we violate anything. Islam is a sin, and we are commanded to dislike sin. Yet, we do not hate or dislike Muslims. It is the sin, the ideology that we hate, not the followers and sinners. We realize we are sinners too.

We do hate fornication, but we do not neccessarily hate fornicators. We do hate idolatry, but we do not neccessarily hate idolators.

Same applies with Islam and Muslims.

Yes, we are following the teachings of Christ.

1 Peter 3:15 ';But dedicate your lives to Christ as Lord. Always be ready to defend your confidence [in God] when anyone asks you to explain it.';

I would say no, Jesus didn't tell them ';get on the internet and flame Muslims'; He did, however, teach that his word be spread. So a ';real'; Christian will try to share the good news of Jesus Christ with you, but there is a time and a place for everything, and Muslim strangers on the internet are probably not the best people to try to share your Christian faith with.
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